Tag Archives: Workfare income supplement; Progressive Wage Model

S$778 per month for the destitute : based on the 2016 Budget; Revised in 2019; What is the amount now, the revised latest figures based on the current Budget? Will the WP MPs ask the minister in Parliament for the latest figures? Or, will the MSM journalists ask for it? Where to seek help under the Destitute Act Chapter 78? Who can offer the help and how? Seoul homeless: photo below;

.. ========= .   . Who is eligible for govt’s public assistance under the Destitute Act Chap 78 [please see copy of the Act below]? What are the terms and conditions of eligibility under the Act? The link to public … Continue reading

Posted in Budget 2016, Budgets 2018, etc., Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Food & Drinks; hawker centres; foodcourts;, Government, Govt's Budget, GST Rebates, Labour, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Politics, Silver Support Scheme, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Counter-Unemployment Fund? “Policy proposals on 4 key issues in GE 2011” in BT on 19 April, 2011; the Gig economy; the self employed; the jobless;

======= . Australia has the dole for those on the self-chosen path of staying unemployed or half employed, go surfing and catch a fish for dinner. Will our various jobless financial supports lead to that same path for some in … Continue reading

Posted in Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Government, Govt's Budget, GST, GST Rebates, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, Labour, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Politics, Population, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

2014 Budget? Was the 2013 Budget progressive or regressive?

2013 BUDGET: WAGE CREDIT SCHEME:  The wage credit scheme is a way to address Prof Lim Chong Yah’s call to freeze the pay of management to narrow the income gap.  It is a way to increase the pay of the … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Govt's Budget, GST, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Politics, Productivity | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wealth Tax – high direct income tax will cause ‘Wealth Flight’; A deterrence: 35% stamp duty on Living Trust; Bring back Estate Duty tax? Basic standard of living; Solutions? 3% Sales Tax on expensive and branded goods? Or, bring back Payroll Tax to set up a Workfare Income Supplement Fund? Depoliticise – have a fund to pay ministers’ salaries? Have mortgage tax as another form of wealth tax on the rich;

============= . Where should the money, the funding come from? We should not have direct wealth tax as it will drive away wealth. Solutions? ================= . Wealth tax will drive away wealth. We have indirect consumption tax on wealth. We … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Government, Govt's Budget, GST, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, Politics, Properties, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation, Transport, Workfare income supplement; Progressive Wage Model | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment