Roof Top Small Wind Turbines [near Nagoya Airport], Turkish-design turbine , vs Roof Top Solar Panels

Solar Panels will need a big space on the roof tops for it to be effective.   Few buildings have large roof tops.

On the other hand, wind power turbines are smaller and occupy less roof top space.

Tall buildings above 30 levels should consider using wind turbines to generate electricity.   I hope many buildings will install the Turkish-design turbines on roof tops [please see photo below], and also on decks of vessels, all sizes of ships, and on all expressways, highways, roads, MRT tracks, etc. 

Wind turbine will not be affected at night unlike solar panels.








Wind power is good in Singapore for some four months in Singapore [Oct to Jan of each year].

Solar power will be good for some four months too.   Equivalent to half a year due to no sunlight during the night.   Also, there will be no powerful sunlight for some three or four months due to rainy seasons, rainy days, and no blue skies but cloudy skies.

Between the two systems, the returns on expensive cost of investment in solar power installations will be lower when compared to that of wind power turbines.


Please see photo below [this was taken near the Nagoya Airport showing small wind power turbines on roof top].


Roof top wind turbine at Nagoya Airport






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