Tag Archives: sexual harassment

Workplace unhappiness; Workplace stress;

========= Work stress comes in many ways… What is the motto “Work with the aim to help others become more efficient”? More at this link: https://tankoktim.wordpress.com/…/work-with-the-aim-to…/ And,… https://tankoktim.wordpress.com/…/workplace-sexual…/ ======= . Forum: It’s not the work, it’s the work environment that … Continue reading

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Sexual Harassment at workplaces – also in educational establishments; sexual harassment comes in many forms; Bullying at workplaces; Please see: Policies on Information and Guidelines on sexual harassment [copy below].

====== . I wrote a policy with guidelines on this topic prior to my retirement.   I believe it is still relevant. Please see full text below at the end of this article. Policy: Workplace Sexual Harassment – Information and Guidelines. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Corruption, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Labour, Productivity, Religions and Faiths, Social issues | Tagged | Leave a comment