Tag Archives: productivity and innovation credit

Productivity and Innovation Credit scheme – how to reduce the number of FW cleaners and security guards? Use the SkillsFuture Credits; unused, not transferable at death.

========= . I refer to “Singapore Budget 2014: Three-pronged approach to boost productivity, says Tharman” in ST Online, 5 March 2014. Singapore should reduce the number of cleaners and security guards as social costs will increase if we let in … Continue reading

Posted in Budget 2014, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Government, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, Labour, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Population, Productivity, Security, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

2014 Budget? Was the 2013 Budget progressive or regressive?

2013 BUDGET: WAGE CREDIT SCHEME:  The wage credit scheme is a way to address Prof Lim Chong Yah’s call to freeze the pay of management to narrow the income gap.  It is a way to increase the pay of the … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Govt's Budget, GST, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Politics, Productivity | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment