Tag Archives: happiness

Happiness and Contentment – are they the same? Steve Job’s final words on happiness; How to attain True Happiness? What is anger; complaints and dissatisfaction? Can character be changed? Compensation and settlement of account, payback time.

True happiness…by uniting with the Will of the Creator God. Only when we are loved by the Creator God rather than by others [fellow human beings] can we attain true happiness. The wish for and the hope to be loved … Continue reading

Posted in Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Four great virtues to attain happiness at work; Respect is a two-way street at workplaces; Be egoless; Retirement and living within one’s means; Retirement after 60 or 70?

============== . It is is a two-way street in respecting others. How to work in peace, harmony and unity? What is the purpose of working be it in the security industry? What is work with the aim to help others … Continue reading

Posted in Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Labour, Medical & Health, Productivity, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Divine Governments – From democracy to Theocracy; a multi-dimensional civilisation; Peace, love, harmony and world peace; Have thousands of satellites -Wifi 24/7, 365 covering the whole world; Is there a genuine democratic country? A truly scientific civilisation using advanced digitalised technology in the 21st century; A new IT world using Astral Particle Information System.

Divine Governments Is Divine the same as Religious? Divine governance from an age of democracy to an age of theocracy for a peaceful and stable civilisation, a multidimensional civilisation or a scientific civilisation. ———- Divine Governments. . No matter what … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Medical & Health, Nation Building, Politics, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Space Technology and Exploration. Earthonauts., Spiritual First - then mental then physical, United Nations, World Peace | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Complete Whole Person Education; Parenting – Nurturing kindness in kids at home; Educating and nurturing children to grow up as brilliant young adults for community and nation building; What is spiritual and non spiritual discipline? To apologise [words of sorry] as parents in humility for physical discipline? What is Complete Whole Person Education? What is having a strong ballast to withstand the pressures from society as the kids grow up?

======= . Why humans have to be taught from young but not other species to go for some 12 years of education in schools? Do educators and parents know what is Complete Whole Person Education to nurture kids to grow … Continue reading

Posted in Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Work, …Workplace happiness, and why humans have to work, the purpose? What is the motto for all workplaces? Rest time at workplace; Work on fours and rest on three? Work-Life balance;

. ======== . Do we know why humans have to work? If human beings do not, they will not be able to attain true unity and happiness at work, and raise productivity in each company, and even at national level. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Labour, Medical & Health, Productivity, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Salvation- its true meaning; Compensation. Life and Death. Purity and impurities in a family; Altercation, tragic and untimely deaths due to cruelty; Untimely deaths are severe cleansing; 24/7 routine cleansing of nature and humans; Major and minor compensation, settlement of account, payback time, and sufferings come in many forms due to impurities like corruption or past misdeeds; Even priests are not spared from cleansing – compensation; Some elites ended in a hard fall from grace suddenly;

  ================ . Dying while asleep; while standing, and silent deaths…   Such kind of deaths were told to us some 50 years ago.   It is here now. More people will die suddenly, unexpectedly.   Premature and unnatural deaths … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Corruption, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Medical & Health, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, World Peace | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Siblings’ friction…..But no one can guarantee that it can be resolved; UK royal family’s friction; 2021, two sons of the late president Ong Teng Cheong in High Court case; Sow the seed for Happiness or Unhappiness – Why all humans seek happiness? Why there are feud in rich and poor families among siblings? How parents sow the seeds of envy and jealousy among the siblings early in life? What is a robust ballast for them to face life challenges?

======= . Where does violence stem from? Who planted the seed and who decide who to be born with other together to form a family, and some get together to settle old scores, some kill one another? Friction in a … Continue reading

Posted in Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, World Peace | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment