Tag Archives: GIC

GIC and Dr Goh Keng Swee

An e-book, “Safeguarding The Future – The Story Of How Singapore Has Managed Its Reserves And The Founding Of GIC” written by GIC’s former economics & strategy department director Freddy Orchard, and launched last Friday, 14th May 2016. The e-book is … Continue reading

Posted in Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], National Reserves, Politics, Singapore in 1960s | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Govt apparatus could be torn apart if Opposition takes office

I am grateful to Today Voices for publishing my letter on 24th Oct 2014, but heavily edited. . What I wrote happened in UK in July 2016.   Please see MailOnLine article on this below. Also happening in Washington with … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Politics, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What does the Govt do with the money that goes into the CPF? Does Temasek borrow any money from CPF? Does Temasek manage the money on behalf of CPF Board? Is the CPF money safe?

============= /. .Source: https://www.mof.gov.sg/policies/reserves/is-our-cpf-money-safe-can-the-government-pay-all-its-debt-obligations Is our CPF money safe? Can the Government pay all its debt obligations? Home Policies Reserves Is our CPF money safe? Can the Government pay all its debt obligations? What comprises the reserves and who manages … Continue reading

Posted in CPF, Government, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My tribute to the late Dr Goh Keng Swee – a giant among men in the late Lee Kuan Yew’s team of founding fathers; not everyone can be PM; Dr Albert Winsemius and Dr Goh;

. ============ . Not everyone can be the prime minister…Dr Goh knew that he could not be. . All the men around the late Lee Kuan Yew [LKY] were not men who were made up to be ready to take … Continue reading

Posted in CPF, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Politics, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment