Tag Archives: environment

We must do our part to save the planet – Letter in ST Forum 27Feb1996; Protect All Life; Harmonious coexistence with all, Mutual prosperity; Environment degradation; No environment, no nature, and there will be no life; Forest carbon projects, or nature-based climate solutions fight against global warming – Auto and insurance giants, oil and gas companies, tech firms and others buy carbon offsets from these carbon projects;

======= . Can’t we go back to page one, and do it all again? It is possible when human is wiped off from the face of this earth. But it will be hard work to restart.   I see greenery … Continue reading

Posted in Divine Science. Man-made human science, Emergency Disaster Preparation, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Population, Religions and Faiths, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, United Nations, Water, World Peace | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Armed Forces should join to fight haze – BT 6March1998.No environment, no nature, no life on earth. The haze in our region will not go away. How?

. ======= . Changing climate risk to opportunity by Simon Tay and Meixi Gan for The Straits Times PUBLISHEDOCT 29, 2020, 5:00 AM SGT in Straits Times . The world last year suffered many outsized fires, which are recurring this … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Relationship with Asean nations, Environment Control, Protect Nature | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

ST’s FaceBook seeking public’s feedback on public transport

Straits Times seeking feedback on Facebook – my suggestions are below. I refer to ST’s FB page on 28th May 2013 seeking feedback from the public on “How do we improve the public transport system to discourage drivers from using … Continue reading

Posted in Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Environment Control, Protect Nature, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, MRT, Population, Social issues, Transport, Water | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hotels – not cleaning guests’ room programme

My letter in Today Voices Online on 2nd Nov 2015. Note: I wrote to the SHA in April 2010. [please see email below]. . ======= . “Promote better security, green practices in hotels” I applaud the Hotel Security Awards organisers … Continue reading

Posted in Environment Control, Protect Nature, Productivity | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

New Civilisation – some extracts

Extracts from “New Civilisation” Chapter 11 “Establishing the Yoko civilisation” from the book: “Is the future in  our hands?” available at http://www.sunrisepress.com.au “Yoko civilisation or New civilisation” is used to describe a civilisation in which people live in peace and … Continue reading

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