Tag Archives: Budget 2011

National Productivity Fund; “Missing link in productivity drive” – “How to bring the best out of our workers” ; Procrastination – the effects on productivity; The Straits Times says Attendance bonus an unacceptable policy to drive productivity;

======= . National Productivity Fund Act 2010: https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/NPFA2010?ProvIds=al-#top= .========== . The National Productivity campaign was launched in 1982 [now under the National Productivity Fund Act 2010]. The Fund was topped up in the 2011 Budget with S$1 billion. So grateful … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Govt's Budget, Labour, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Productivity, Social issues, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

My letter in BT: Make it a Counter-Inflation Fund instead

Sharing my letter in Business Times, Singapore, “Make it a Counter-Inflation Fund instead”, 22Feb2011 Please see google doc links: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0ByiryFsICKj-ZGI1MjRhY2ItYmYxNi00ZTU1LWFiYTktM2NjNTk0NTViYWUz&hl=en https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ndAaIrnwBB5eF3xZ_p4CI7Ei1TKp8LA8gXS4Us-mzUA…/edit?hl=en# —– Sharing and inviting comments on my proposal of a ‘Counter-Inflation Fund’ in my letter to the media and … Continue reading

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S$1 billion Community Silver Trust – for old-aged Singaporeans and for the VWOs to seek funding….When will it be increased to S$10 billion, 2038?

The setting up of this Trust proves once again that the Government listens to its people.    I have suggested repeatedly over a number of years to the Government to set up such a trust with a start-up of S$500 million … Continue reading

Posted in Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Government, Govt's Budget, Medical & Health, Nation Building, Politics, Silver Support Scheme, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, The Govt listened and implemented my ideas and feedback | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment