Category Archives: Business, Finance, and Scams

The Govt listened to feedback… MOH took action on false claims…dentists convicted & jailed; doctors and the learned ending up in court, some in jail;

MOH took action. Face off in court.   2.5 years jail for this dentist.    A high-price to pay to be behind bars. I wrote in 2014 to MOH of possible loophole in the medical and dentistry  profession. [please see … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Corruption, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Medical & Health, PG and CHAS, The Govt listened and implemented my ideas and feedback | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Have a Sales Tax on expensive goods? Can any government policy eradicate poverty or the income gap? Govt working on ensuring basic retirement needs met; How? Solutions? Income inequality a long-term social issue and concern; In UK, talk about redistributive measures like higher direct income taxes on the rich, sparks fury from the right; Should the government reinstate estate duty tax to reduce inequality? Or, have wealth tax – that could cause “Wealth Flight”? A deterrence: 35% ABSD on Living Trust;

======= . How to take money from the rich [tax the rich] to benefit the poor? We already have indirect consumption tax on cars and properties. We should go further by having indirect consumption tax on other expensive goods. I … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Government, GST, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, Politics, Properties, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

22 recommendations for the UN – submitted to the Global Challenges Foundation in Sept 2017; United Nations should set up a UN Environment Council to transform and reform the 21st century and beyond; No environment, there will be no nature, more diseases, and no life on earth; Environment is the main – to reverse it first, and make all the other UN missions become secondary; US$10b UN Green Climate Fund – what is the purpose?

============== . “22 Recommendations that will transform the UN and the World” Is the UN neutral in NYC?  America did block many heads of states from visiting the UN in NYC.  Is the UN practising democracy by having the veto … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Emergency Disaster Preparation, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Politics, Productivity, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, United Nations, Water, World Peace | Tagged , , , , , | 24 Comments

Governing by public donations not by taxation; Which country will be the first? Will there be inflation if Govt spending is zero or paid by public donations? Countries in the red, bankrupt; Printing money to repay debts; Interest rate hike; G7 countries will review corporate tax rates to discourage MNCs from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions;

======== . How many countries are in the red, bankrupt? When a country cannot obtain loans to spend, is print the solution? =======. Biden calls meeting on debt ceiling, as US to run short of cash June 1, 2023. US … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Government, Govt's Budget, Inflation and Rising cost of living, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Nation Building, Politics, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation, World Peace | Tagged | 2 Comments

National Reserves S$1.73 trillions as at 31st March 2023; – Cap it at 3 or 5 times of GDP? Should NR have a limit? NIRC from National Reserves – how it benefits Singaporeans? PM Lee Hsien Loong released the NR figures for the first time in Parliament on 27th Jan 2016;

======== . S$1.7 trillions.It is official.S$1 trillion is outdated. National Reserves or Total Govt Assets as at 31st March 2019: S$1.174 trillions. It was S$1.732 trillions as at 31st March 2023. Grown by S$0.56 trillions in four years. [Source: MOF’s … Continue reading

Posted in Budgets 2018, etc., Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Elected President - roles, powers and responsibilities; The 2nd Key; EP: the proposed changes;, Government, Govt's Budget, Inflation and Rising cost of living, Inward investments and incentives; overseas Investments - should more be invested overseas or locally by Sovereign Wealth Fund? Maintain stable supply chains and security?, Medical & Health, Nation Building, National Reserves, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Sales Tax on expensive goods? High direct income tax will cause ‘Wealth flight”; How GST works and functions? Should POFMA be thrown at the demagogues? GST hike, 2% points: one on 1Jan2023 and the other on 1Jan2024; Make the hike acceptable by having 713? 7%+1%+3%? Have a 3% Sales Tax on expensive goods and equipment; Both PAP and the opposition are not ready as yet politically to have a Sales Tax. Why?

==================. Have a 3% Sales Tax in 2028?GST above 9% not the long-term solution.Time to ask the Govt to pass the Law for this now, and why? . Sales Tax on the rich on expensive goods will not be a … Continue reading

Posted in Budgets 2018, etc., Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Government, Govt's Budget, GST, GST Rebates, Minimum Wage; PWM and WIS in Singapore's wage policies, Politics, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation, Workfare income supplement; Progressive Wage Model | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Mega Cities on flat land — no hydro or wind power, and inadequate land space for huge solar power farms [and those in temperate countries having four seasons, no solar power all year round]; What are the possible solutions for all mega cities [the big carbon polluters] becoming 100% users of renewable clean and green electricity ending use of fossil oil, coal and LNG?

================== . Many solutions to generate renewable clean and green electricity. ========== ==== . Build a 10-storey structure [steel or concrete] and have a test run to pump water to the top, and have it retained on each floor and … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Relationship with Asean nations, Business, Finance, and Scams, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Emergency Disaster Preparation, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Politics, Productivity, Roads and Expressways, Social issues, Transport, United Nations, Water, World Peace | Tagged | 11 Comments

Wi-Fi speed; ChatGPT age, Algorithms & data size; TikTok; Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; Data transmitted at 186,000 miles per second, not per minute; Data security; A day without your mobile phone? Can AI take over IT coding for maximum benefits? Three new tech to transform the whole world and health of mankind; What is Astral Particle Information System? Complete Whole Person Education? Ministerial Committee for post-COVID19 Digital Transformation;

. ================== With generative AI, do we still need universities? The answer lies in the human skills that are beyond the competence of machines. Lily Kong and Lim Sun Sun. With ever-growing forms of AI at our doorstep, the future … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Divine Science. Man-made human science, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Medical & Health, Productivity, Social issues | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Cashless; Paperless; The Govt has listened yet again; Four years of waiting; Grateful the Govt has upgraded the systems at the polyclinics – A paperless system – and pay electronically; Japan has the paperless system to cut waiting times at pharmacies; Now, ours too; What next?

======== . Cashless and Paperless;  The cashless society.. a one card system. No card you cannot move around in society. You will become history. When? It is all about money. Cash only. Some retail shops accept only cash, and the … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, CareShield Life insurance - permanent disabilities, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Food & Drinks; hawker centres; foodcourts;, Hawker Food -Top Favourites, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Medical & Health, MediShield Life mandatory medical insurance, PG and CHAS, Productivity, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, The Govt listened and implemented my ideas and feedback | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Impunity? Allegations against the Civil Service by MPs in Parliament; Lawless? Falsehood on social media; Impose heavy penalties on those who spread misinformation; Some want freedom of expression and freedom of choice with no responsibilities and full impunity from prosecution or legal redress for the damage caused;

========= . Immunity and impunity… Are MPs untouchable, above the law? Can they get away with ‘murder’ in Parliament? . ======== . No one is above the law, not even the president, ministers or MPs. When will the law be … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Government, Laws; POFMA: The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act; FICA - Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act;, Media and freedom of the press; Movies, TV serials; Entertainment;, Misinformation - the unconditional public apologies; add in Sorry x 3, Security, Socialistic Policies | Tagged , | 1 Comment

EVs & Singapore Green Plan by 2030; Importing LNG – We paid S$8b more in 2022 due to the war; Net-zero emission by 2050; Burning 1% coal and 99% LNG till 2050; S$100b to build seawalls to keep rising sea levels out; Polder project at Pulau Tekong; Funding climate change by long-term loans; Hyundai electric vehicle plant in Singapore; costs of electric charging points; No environment, no nature, more diseases, no life; To protect and love nature at all cost? Protect all life;

=========== . Solar panels… it is a drop in the ocean. Mega cities are the major carbon emission polluters, and on flat ground, it will not have land for hydro and wind power, or large land space for solar powers … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, Environment Control, Protect Nature, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Transport, United Nations, Water, World Peace | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

‘Millionaire’ Singaporeans; how to be the No. 1 Hub: to attract 10,000 world richest billionaires to red dot? Pandora Papers – tax evasion; Investing or speculating on the stock exchange; The rich and poor Singaporeans – who can afford what? Who can plan their retirement to live comfortably with no financial anxiety? How many Singaporeans have S$30,000 net cash in their bank accounts? Financial advisers – are they themselves multi billionaires/millionaires?

======= . Be the next Hub: How to attract and encourage some 10,000 world richest multi-billionaires [not millionaires] to bring their wealth and take up residence in Singapore? Can we aim for the next Hub: A Billionaire Hub? What can … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Cost of Living & Retirement Adequacy, CPF, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Food & Drinks; hawker centres; foodcourts;, Government, HDB Public Housing; affordability; EIP policy; and resale prices;, Nation Building, National Day Rally - new policies and strategies, National Reserves, Politics, Population, Properties, Security, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Taxation | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Digitisation Age; No software, the hardware is a dumb machine; Super computers need softwares early/earlier not months or years later; What is Deepfakes; An age of 21st century super fast computers; IT, AI, Robots….all are still at a primitive stage; AI must evolve to take over coding of computer programmes to speed up the super computer age; What is Modern Algorithms? IT world and the super chips in the post-Covid-19 age; What is Astral Particle Information System? What impact will the APIS have on the lives of human beings in 2123, and beyond?

.============================== . Quote: “What this strange awareness within us is, no one has ever explained. Gurus and saints, of every creed and religion, have investigated over the millenniums and attempted inadequate explanations.” Why without science, religion is blind? What is … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Divine Science. Man-made human science, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Productivity, Social issues | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Singapore External Debts; External debt of US$1.766 trillion? True or untrue?

  ========= .     Date: 20 Nov 2016 ASK ST: WHY DOES SINGAPORE HAVE AN EXTERNAL DEBT OF US$1.766 TRILLION? Media: The Straits Times by Goh Eng Yeow Correspondent   Reader Lam Peck Heng wrote in to askST … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Inward investments and incentives; overseas Investments - should more be invested overseas or locally by Sovereign Wealth Fund? Maintain stable supply chains and security?, National Reserves | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Two civilisations: East and West; Both are complementary; Which is more superior? A single ideology for mankind and the whole world will not bring peace; No world peace when the West has superior attitude over the East; Respect one another? Trade disputes US v China; Rising US-China Tariff tensions; China and USA will compete economically in key areas; What is ‘The Asian Values’ debate;

============== . Why are there two civilisations, East and West? The western and eastern civilisations. Which one is more spiritual? Which one is more individualistic? Are both complementary like the pair of hands, as in the opposites in all things … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Economy; Perfect Economic Storm? When?, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Politics, Social issues, Socialistic Policies, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, United Nations, World Peace | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

South China Sea tensions; Asean-China Relationship; What should China do to reduce the tensions in the SCS? Is China in SCS for naval strategic reasons, freedom of navigation; or for the fossil oil and LNG below the seabed and other marine life and resources? A joint Indonesia-US project: a newly formed Indonesia’s maritime centre in Batam;

====== The Straits Times’ Editorial says A dangerous tangle in South China Sea UPDATED 1 HOUR AGO on 3rd Oct 2023 in Straits Times. As though there were not enough dangerous tangles involving China around the Asian continent, a fresh … Continue reading

Posted in Bilateral Relationship with Asean nations, Business, Finance, and Scams, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Energy, Clean and Green Electricity, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Politics, Religions and Faiths, United Nations, World Peace | Tagged , | 1 Comment

9th President Tharman won the 2023 presidential election on 1st Sept 2023 with 70.41%; Ng Kok Song 15.72% and Tan Kin Lian 13.87%; Swansongs for both losers? Not all can qualify as candidates for PE; Amendments to the Constitution passed on 9th Nov 2016 have new eligibility requirements for PE candidates; How to tighten the PE rules and make it clearer?

======= . Man who paid for Tharman’s presidential campaign posters was arrested by CAD 30 August 2023 by yeeloon in SINGAPORE: After three presidential candidates successfully submitted their nomination papers on 22 August, they been actively campaigning before the … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Elected President - roles, powers and responsibilities; The 2nd Key; EP: the proposed changes;, Government, Politics | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Ageing and Work; Retire early, able to live longer? True or untrue? Retiring at 60 or 70 for better health during the twilight golden years? Getting old – Writing memoirs for posterity; Unable to write, please record it on video;

.==================== . Memoirs? If one cannot write, please record it on video. ======== . . Speaking up for Asean in the battle of narratives Whether it is the Viet occupation of Cambodia or the US-China contest, powerful narratives can shape … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, CPF, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Labour, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Medical & Health, Population, Productivity, Social issues, Socialistic Policies | Leave a comment

Pyramids… Human history; Have to be rewritten; Human beings’ deception; Lies and Truth; Truth is hard to bear by humans; Pyramid – Pi Ra Mi Do – How does pyramid work? Make your own pyramid-shape structure at home [see write-up below]; Moses – has no religion in his name unlike Buddha and Christ.

======== . No matter whatever happens, nothing is bad. Everything is good. There is a cause and reason for everything, every behaviour, and every attitude be it action by a senior person, a senior executive, the boss, the supervisor, staff … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, COVID-19 coronavirus Pandemic in 2020, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, IT. AI, and Computerisation; Robots; Space Technology; Astral Particle Information System, Medical & Health, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Space Technology and Exploration. Earthonauts., Spiritual First - then mental then physical, United Nations, World Peace | Tagged | Leave a comment

Kindness – first have compassion with Gratitude plus plus; Kototama, the power of words; When projected negatively, and insensitively, not spiritually, it could hurt all living things; Innermost Attitude; Kind words verses impure words; Are our words [kototama] purer than five years ago? The self has to work harder with Divine Light, True Light to transform, improve and maintain one’s bright Kototama. [Kotodama, Pgs 238 and 239 – in “Is the future in our hands?”]; Filthy words, vulgarities and profanities – not from a person of kindness;

====== . Kindness must come with Compassion and Gratitude plus plus. Why? Kindness without Compassion plus plus will not be genuine Kindness. Deception will be worse off. Kindness in public to others and strangers, but not at home with Unity, … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Politics, Religions and Faiths, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, World Peace | Tagged , , | 2 Comments