The Holy Pendant. Take care and be safe.



The Pendant – Respect and take care of the precious Holy Pendant; Be extra careful during this Covid-19 pandemic period; Do not depart from normalcy as it might not be safe. First, check with your carer, care coordinator, for guidance/instructions when in doubt.



List of how Divine Pendant could have an accident. Please be careful with respect, and be mindful.

Accidents could happen in many ways rendering the Holy pendant not able to be used to give spiritual salvation.


1.  The man’s singlet [white in colour] has been worn inside out exposing the Holy pendant pocket to the bed sheet/disrespectful place;


a] mark with colour thread or pen, or iron-on a coloured-fabric patch/cloth on the white pendant pocket for man’s white singlet to indicate to you [of the back and front] when you wear your white singlet inside out;

b] use coloured cloth, NOT white cloth, [e.g. light coloured red, pink, etc cloth] to sew the pendant pocket for man’s singlet [do not use white cloth to sew pendant pocket for man’s white singlet] as white pendant pocket sewn in the inside of the white-coloured singlet will not show up clearly to you when you unknowingly wear your white pendant singlet inside out.

I hope the above will be practised by male practitioners around the world to prevent this kind of pendant accident.


Over the years, I have heard of other cases of pendant accidents, which are:

2.  The pendant box jumps because the cover-hinge spring is too strong causing the Holy Pendant to fall off from the box;

3.  [a] At hospital, placing the Holy pendant in the wife’s handbag and she carries the handbag into the toilet; [b] Under pressure by the nurse to have x-ray, the person removed the Holy pendant and placed it in her handbag, which was placed on the chair;

4.   Do not share the pendant box or use the same shelf/white paper with a family member to place your Holy pendant.

5.   [a] Forget to use the safety pin [the second pin] could end up having the Holy pendant coming out of the pocket while you are asleep.  Happened to two old-timer practitioners in 2020; [b] after long use of the safety pin, the pin was weakened and it broke while he was asleep, and the Holy pendant came out of the singlet pocket and on to the bed sheet;

6.   Take off the singlet with the Holy pendant in the pocket, and putting both items together in the wash basin or wash basket.

7.    At the airport, do not place the pendant in the tray without placing a white paper in the tray for placing the pendant on it, and another white paper to cover the pendant before sending the pendant for scanning.

Let us always respect the pendant’s spiritual purity.  In times of emergency, for example, at the airport where security wants to check the pendant, please always do the following:

[a] wipe hands clean with wet ones, or wash your hands with clean soap or hand liquid soap before touching or opening the pendant wrapping;

[b] If the security officer insists, tell the officer it is a holy pendant, and please appeal to the officer to wipe his/her hands clean before touching the pendant but it must be done respectfully, and not to force open the pendant locket.

The pendant locket must not be opened.  Do not put the pendant on impure surface.  Always purify the surface, and place a white paper, or a piece of clean typing paper, a photocopy paper, or a new envelope, or if none, use your singlet, and turn in-side out to place on the surface [table top] or in the tray for scanning purpose.

Cover the pendant with a clean tissue paper or white paper.  Offer sorry/apologies when doing so.

Do not let the security officer use the hand-held scanner equipment to touch the pendant.

8.  Practitioner did not remove pendant to leave it at home. She went to the hospital for x-ray of her arm. It was an x-ray and even just for the arm, it was a Holy pendant accident;

9.  [a]Practitioner was taken to hospital in an emergency ambulance from a public place, and was alone, no loved ones accompanied the practitioner to the hospital.

[b] The practitioner took off the pendant to go for x-ray;  the practitioner hanged the pendant on the dripping pole beside the bed.  And the nurse took the pendant off the pole, and placed the pendant on the bed.

[It is better is to phone a loved one, or fellow practitioner to take a cab at once to the hospital to take care of the pendant before the practitioner takes off the pendant to go for the x-ray procedure.  Best is to delay the x-ray until the loved ones arrive unless the x-ray is a life-and-death urgent matter that cannot wait.]

10.  Practitioner took off the pendant and placed the pendant in the toilet when in the friend’s house to bathe.

11.  Practitioner hanged the pendant on a wall hook [supported by a shelf] when the house was under renovation.   All three items dropped on the floor.

12.  Practitioner placed pendant in her handbag and carried and hugged the handbag around abdomen area, below the navel.  She wanted to go directly to the centre from the hospital [to save time travelling] after the medical checkup instead of going home first to wear the pendant and then to go to the centre.   A short-cut idea but it was a wrong move.

13. Practitioner held the pendant in the palm and stretched the arm fully out while having X-ray to the heart and feet at the hospital. It is an accident as the pendant chain was around the person’s neck, and the X-ray even it was for the heart or feet, it was part of the body;

14. Two practitioners on a trip together placed their pendants in the same pouch bag, which has an internal lining/divider. Must use separate pouch bags, and both pouch bags must not touch or has contact. Keep the two pouch bags separately apart even when in the same handbag;

15. The practitioner did a quick wash of her chest area to clean some vomiting from her dress, but found out that the water has gone into the Holy pendant wrapper. She did not remove the Holy pendant to wash up. Not safe to have a shortcut for a quick wash.

16. The practitioner placed the Holy pendant on the table in the hotel room. The person woke up later and in a daze and unsteady condition, the person swiped the Holy pendant onto the floor.


[Note:  Always remember that when in a different or changed situation – not the normal situation – best is not to remove/take off the Holy pendant at all.  If you want to depart from your normal procedure or normalcy, please first check with your carer, care coordinator, for guidance.  

Do not take chances with Holy pendant in this Covid-19 pandemic period.  Due to travel restrictions, it will take months or years to have the Holy pendant purified.

Just forgo doing what was deemed necessary when you feel uneasy under a changed situation. When one is not confident with the changed place or situation, it would not be safe or advisable to take off the Holy pendant.    Come back another day.

The above cases [no. 8 to 10 pendant accidents] took place in changed circumstances, situation, and place.




Holy Pendant, and types of Holy pendant accidents [see above]; and two recent cases of the Holy pendants that did not melt at cremation

Two recent cases of Holy pendants that did not melt at the cremation of the deceased persons:

1.  In 2011, a cancer patient was bestowed with the Holy pendant but he died a few weeks later.  The elders of his community asked what alloy was used in the metal that made the Holy pendant for it to be so strong that it did not melt in the shearing heat during the cremation.

2.  On 24 July 2011, a former practitioner [for a few months after being bestowed with the Holy pendant], the person returned the Holy pendant. The person was allowed by arrangements for cremation with the Holy pendant, but the Holy pendant did not melt at cremation.

Both Holy pendants withstood the intense heat of cremation and have remained physically on earth [as it did not melt] while all other things would have melted with the deceased body into ashes.    Both of the deceased did not practise much by giving salvation [not a practitioner for a long period] with their Holy pendants.




Let us pray directing ourselves to the Creator God, Lord God, Su God, as humans are spiritual beings first, and children of the Creator God.   

As practitioners with Wa, Harmony,  in our heart and our our innermost attitude, let us do this:

During this pandemic crisis, best is chant the Holy Purification Prayer before leaving the house.  And pray that Heavn and Earth will prosper into eternity with the blessings of Su God for human beings on earth; And pray to be allowed to be of use to offer service to Su God and Great God that will benefit all three spiritual realms: the Divine, Astral and Physical realms.

And, best is place our palms on the Holy pendant in gratitude and for safety before closing eyes to sleep at night; and place our palms on the Holy pendant in gratitude when we open our eyes in the morning before getting up from bed after the night sleep.

Pray with Gratitude for the blessings of Su God and Great God for self and family members to be safe, and have only minor health and medical conditions when one and family members have many spiritual impurities, and negative Karma, and even curses, and when one is the major culprit for accumulating the impurities.



.Our soul…our spiritual soul, …… Let us make no mistake that all humans are spirit first, and human beings second.  

All human souls come from the Unseen and will return to the Unseen. 

Humans are all spirit first, and all are children of the Creator.  

As practitioners, let us make efforts to improve on our WA [harmony] in our innermost attitude, and WA in our heart.   Please do not judge others. 

Best is quietly pray to the Creator God on behalf of others for the their shortcomings, and that the self will not commit the same shortcoming, or bring the shortcomings on the self. 

Avoiding others [a form of not making contact, or a form of avoiding contact is like a cold war, a friction in relationship] will not help in alleviating the self spiritually.   

It will hurt the self more rather than the other person like plunging a sharp knife into one’s own heart. 

Hurting the self is not hurting others.   Beware. 


The souls of human beings are made and created in the unseen, the spiritual.

Unless we get this right, all intellectual and educational pursuits of humankind will be off track. 

The three great realms are all spiritual realms.   That is:   The Divine, Astral and Physical realms are all spiritual realms [PB page  6].  

All the three great realms function inter-lockingly, and it is the trinity.




[Please help to extend the above list of how Holy pendant accidents happened by giving your comments/experiences as the information added on the above list will be helpful to everyone, and the practitioners worldwide. 

Please feel free to send this link and the above list to other practitioners  around the world.]

Take care guys, be safe always and be blessed spiritually.




The Pendant and True Light [in John 1:9]

.Divine Light, True Light, Baptism by Spirit:

Divine Light [True Light John 1:9 and John 3:19-21]]; Seek and receive the Divine Light [Baptism by Spirit] to purify one’s soul in gratitude, acceptance, humility, apology [with words of sorry in the prayers]; What is Straightforward Manner to transmit and receive Divine Light? What are spiritual and physical healing? Are both necessary? Are the two complementary? Wholesale distribution of True Light; The world-wide Tekazashi Era;




Why did Moses, Guanyin, Buddha, Jesus, etc raise their palms? 

Why they did not pass this practice to the masses, the practice of save and be saved, the practice of giving spiritual salvation to benefit all three spiritual realms, the Divine, Astral and Physical?

Save and be Saved…

Why two way?

More at this link:

On religions over thousands of years… Do we know why Moses, Buddha, KwanYin, Jesus, etc did not pass on the practice of raising the palm to the masses? It is for mankind to practise the art of “save and be saved”, but humankind has not been allowed to have this practice of offering spiritual salvation to fellow human beings. Why?


In this dark age, the Light of compassion will illuminate the darkness and hatred in the lives of many in this world of decadence.



I heard of this experience story of the Holy pendant [and it happened in the Astral Realm]:

Precious Omitama, the Holy Pendant.

There was a kumite who, after astral birth and already four years in the astral realm, manifested in the grand-daughter and related that her Holy pendant had been taken away [like being confiscated in the astral realm] after her physical death.

When on earth, she had God’s altar at home and gave spiritual salvation to others, and offered divine service at the centre everyday.

After the Holy pendant was taken away, she was asked to go to the lower level of the astral realm for spiritual training as she had criticised and judged others in the physical world including kumite/practitioners when she was at the centre [Dojo].

She was in the lower level of the astral realm for four years as she could not understand why her Holy pendant was taken away as the astral world is a world of seeking highest spiritual awakening.

Her son, who died 10 years earlier than her, saw her from his higher level in the astral realm. He was instructed to go down to pass her the message: “You are now allowed to manifest in your grand-daughter and for you to get spiritual guidance from the centre staff”.

The centre staff gave True Light, Baptism by Spirit to the grand-daughter, and she manifested.

She was guided to offer sorry/apology prayers to God in deep repentance for her past misdeeds.

She did in tears and manifested over a period of three days, finally saying in joy at the third session while receiving the True Light in the centre that the Holy pendant has been given back to her, and that she has risen spiritually and to a higher level in the astral realm.


This experience story showed that giving True Light in the physical world is not enough unless we stop judging and criticising or back-biting others.

This should include and not limited to using positive, bright and cheerful power of words and improving our spiritual level year-on-year. If not, even when the Holy pendant is cremated/buried with the person after astral birth, the Holy pendant might be taken away [like being confiscated] in the astral realm.

The realm of spirits and the astral realm truly exist, and the astral realm is a realm for spiritual awakening but some might not know the causes of their situations when in the astral realm, and how it is related to their way of life while alive in the physical world.

The spiritual training in the astral realm could take longer when there was no spiritual awakening of past wrongful misdeeds.

Some have to go through manifestation in someone, and have spiritual investigation and guidance to awaken to the causes of their plight and situation, and to offer sorry/apology prayers in contrition and repentance to correct their spiritual condition in the astral realm through seeking spiritual awakening of their past misdeeds, and by having spiritual realisation and offering spiritual sorry/apologies for their wrongdoings, misdeeds.




We were told that an advanced level practitioner after astral birth [already four years in the astral realm] manifested in the grand-daughter that her Holy pendant had been taken away by God [like being confiscated in the astral realm] after her physical death.  

She had God’s altar at home and went to give spiritual salvation to others, and offered divine service at the centre everyday.

After the Holy pendant was taken away [like being confiscated], she was asked to go to the lower level of the astral realm as she had criticised and judged others in the physical world including practitioners when she was at the centre [Dojo].

She was in the lower level of the astral realm for four years as she could not understand why her Holy pendant was taken away [like being confiscated by God] as the astral world is a world of seeking highest spiritual awakening.

Her son, who died 10 years earlier than her, saw her from his higher level in the astral realm, and he was instructed to go down to pass her the message:  “You are now allowed to manifest in your grand-daughter and for you to get spiritual guidance from the centre staff”.

The centre staff, when giving True Light and during her manifestation, guided her to offer sorry/apology prayers to God in deep repentance.  

She did in tears and manifested over a period of three days, finally saying in joy at the third session while receiving the True Light in the centre that she has been given back her Holy pendant and that she has risen spiritually and to a higher level in the astral realm.




This experience story showed that giving True Light in the physical world is not enough unless we stop judging and criticising others [including and not limited to using  positive, bright and cheerful power of words and improving it year-on-year], if not even when the Holy pendant is cremated/buried with the person after astral birth, the Holy pendant might be taken away [like being confiscated] by God in the astral realm. [Example, the case mentioned in this experience story of the advanced practitioner’s manifestation.]

The realm of spirits and the astral realm truly exist, and the astral realm is a realm for spiritual awakening but some might not know the causes of their situations when in the astral realm, and how it is related to their way of life while alive in the physical world.

Some have to go through manifestation in someone, and have spiritual investigation and guidance to awaken to the causes of their plight and situation, and to offer sorry/apology prayers in contrition and repentance to correct their spiritual condition in the astral realm through seeking spiritual awakening and having spiritual realisation.




From a Kumite in London:


In a dojo’s monthly newsletter in the United States, there was a story shared about a husband of a Japanese member who had passed away and briefly returned back to his physical body few hours after death. The story was about a husband of a Kumite who had passed away and gone to the Astral world.

He had returned to the physical body after a short time. In the story, the Kumite’s husband (himself a Kumite) opened his eyes a short time after his physical death and asked his wife to put his Omitama on his body.

He had said that there was a long queue to enter the Astral dimensions, and that only those people who had light shining from their chest were being allowed to go to the front of the queue to enter the Astral world.

He had passed away again after the Omitama was placed around his neck.

Since this was an incredible story, efforts were made to verify if this story was actually true. It was revealed that this story was a true story that was also narrated during some Kenshu lectures in Japan.

Further investigations were able to verify that the name of the Kumite was Osamu Kawata. This story had also been published in an edition of the Sukyo Mahikari Japanese Journal in 1993.

It is an amazing and a spiritually uplifting story which is worth sharing with others.

We are truly blessed to enjoy the miracle that is Mahikari No Waza, the knowledge about the universal principles and the salvation of souls in the Astral world.

This also awakens us to the precious nature of the Omitama, the Holy pendant that we are blessed and privileged to wear.




I have heard of this:   that we learned the topic of climbing up or climbing down the staircase in the physical world. 

For one to rise spiritually, like climbing to the summit up the staircase step by step, one has to bow the body forward [the body physical posture, not the bending of the head or neck] and not tilt the body posture backward when going up step by step, like in humility, to climb up.

One cannot climb up with ego whereby the body is tilted backward ‘physically in body posture’, [although one can bend the neck slightly, and tilt the head like bending forward in humility] otherwise one will fall off the staircase.

When going down spiritually, like going down the staircase step by step, one will have to tilt the body physically [the body physical posture] backward more, than tilting forward otherwise the person will fall off the staircase.

It is Ego in the form of ‘physical body posture, not the bending of the head or neck’ tilting backward while climbing down step by step.   It will be like going to a lower lever and into the pit of despair.  Ego will bring one downward the staircase and not upward to a higher level of hope, brightness and well-being.

Our mission is a full marathon for life, not a short 100m sprint or a 10,000m run or a half marathon.  

Let us stay the course, persevere through to the end of the race, and help and encourage each and everyone to complete the race.  If need be, take a break from time to time like taking short breaks to get a drink on the way, and to catch our second wind/breath and so on, get up and to continue with the race to the end.  Not to give up. Struggle against the odds.  Be determined not to be distracted, and not to fall backward.




“Avoid arrogance and be loving and harmonious at home and with others.   The more your efforts in life bear fruit, the more humble and cheerful you should be.”

Source:  PB page 99.


In this dark age: Mass killings and destruction by military invasion devoid of human conscience and compassion. Why?

========= ===

On religions over thousands of years… Do we know why Moses, Buddha, KwanYin, Jesus, etc did not pass on the practice of raising the palm to the masses? It is for mankind to practise the art of “save and be saved”, but humankind has not been allowed to have this practice of offering spiritual salvation to fellow human beings. Why?


In this dark age, the Light of compassion will illuminate the darkness and hatred in the lives of many in this world of decadence.



Chaotic, Dark Age. A world in Snafu. Hatred & Grudge.

Let us bow before the person at the wake, & not bring hatred with death.

It is the self to bow three times before the deceased at the wake. If there are joss sticks, offer it too and pray for forgiveness in compassion. Let us do not bring grudges and hatred along with death to the Unseen Astral Realm. Let us do not hate even at death as it does not bring closure, or an end to unsettled differences, grudges and hatred. Let us bow in compensation in Gratitude plus plus, and in grievance at the wake. Me too.


I failed on Sat, 8th April 2023 at Dojo. I again irritated a Kumite when offering the person Okiyome. I was told off: “Don’t bother me”. I am sorry. Very sorry. Very very sorry. I ask for forgiveness. The spiritual debt and spiritual grudges are very deep. Very very deep. I am the main culprit to cause unhappiness, spiritual unhappiness going back generations.




I am very very sorry for contaminating the Dojo spiritually. I cannot say sorry enough in prayers on my knees in Dojo. I am sorry. I have to reflect more and ‘save and be saved’ more to erase the spiritual impurities as I am the main culprit causing the spiritual impurities. Therefore it needs more and thorough spiritual cleansing and voluntary compensation in repentance, remorse and repayment, settlement of past debts and misdeeds.


Take the reality of phenomena of salvation seriously [April 2023 SMIJ, page 22]

Case of a young person diagnosed with stomach cancer.

He said: ‘I want to turn to God’, and after receiving advice, he asked to be warded at a hospital nearer the Dojo to receive Divine Light at the Dojo regularly.

His health improved rapidly, and he recovered and was saved.

He made this resolution:

“Having experienced salvation myself, I too want to contribute to changing the direction humanity is heading in, enabling it to advance toward the dawn of a spiritual civilisation. I would like to apply to become a staff member.”


About tankoktim

It is a joy to share, and the more I share, the more it comes back in many ways and forms. Most of what I shared are not mine. I borrowed and shared it on my Blog. If you like any particular post in my Blog, please feel free to share it far and wide with your loved ones, friends and contacts. You may delete my name before sending it to them. You may also use the articles to write on the same topic or extract and paste any part of it in your article. My posts are available to all, young and old, students too. If they wish, they can extract or plaglarize any of the points to write their articles or essays with it. Np. ============== I share what I wrote worldwide with Facebook friends and contacts, not with Singaporeans only. I share it by pasting the link method as it is easier and a shortcut rather than copy paste my comments in full text. Some want me to stop posting. I shall stop giving comments and/or my link when others stop posting. When they stop, I stop. When they continue to give comments, I shall continue to give my short-cut link, or a short cut-and-paste comment plus the link. If I stop giving my link or comments, it will by default be letting others a free hand to give possibly a one-sided comment without anyone giving the other perspective on an issue. If I stay quiet, it will be considered my failure not to give the opposite perspective. Some want me to be silent, and to stop posting. If I accept their demands, it will be a failure to my Facebook friends worldwide by staying silent. I owe it to my Facebook friends and to the society to comment and give an opposite perspective on an issue. ======= My contact:
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