Be egoless; Gratitude for everything, day and night; Must include Acceptance and Humility, the Divine Trinity Practice for all mankind; The true self and the real person; God’s Great Love for humans – God’s true children; God is Egoless; Human beings can aim to be egoless too; Humans cannot tune to the will and prayers of God [egoless] unless they practise the Divine Trinity Practice; Our fate and destiny, is it in our own hands?



, What is great Ego, and small Ego?

Is small ego related to a person’s character?

High strung, impatient, demanding, proud, bad & short temper?




God is Egoless [pg 5, SMIJ. Aug 2009].

How to tune in to God’s will?

Small ego will block all blessings.

.Small Ego will bring darkness, unhappiness, great suffering, even grief, downfall, and ruin.

Due to small ego many of us cannot grasp the true cause and effect of the cleansing on one’s soul, the mental, and the physical [even financial hardships, distress and anxiety].

Few of us and our loved ones can have all three: robust health, harmony [no friction with others], and material wellbeing [no financial anxiety].

All sufferings and cleansing are due to small ego. Small Ego blocks blessings.

Go egoless. Not easy. There are strict rules for this. No shortcut.It has nothing to do with human wisdom and thinking to rid self of small ego, and be Egoless.

God is Egoless. How are we to truly tune in to God and match with God’s prayers and will when we have small ego?

Let us make spiritual efforts to become egoless. Me too.

When more human beings becomes egoless, there will be more families living in harmony.

Eventually and ultimately they will bring about true world peace.

The opposite will be darkness, and unhappiness. World peace will continue to be a dream no matter how human beings wish for and pray for world peace..

We have been told: even god fails when god has ego….!.

We can say that when humans have small ego, surely we will fail big time..



Ego – turning point of heavenly will – 16 ego words:

In HW, pages 314, 315, 316 and 320..



Gratitude; Acceptance; Humility. The DivineTrinity Practice. [Source: page 7, SMIJ Nov 2022].

The opposites of The DivineTrinity Practice.are: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility. It will bring darkness, chaos, conflict, and even war. There will be no world peace. No true happiness. Some say more and unending suffering. Which is good? Or, both are good, nothing bad.

The DivineTrinity Practice: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility to attain true happiness.

If any one of the three is missing, the other two alone will not bring true happiness.

When world leaders practise the The DivineTrinity Practice of Gratitude, Acceptance and Humility, it will bring about unity, love and harmony. Eventually, it will bring about world peace.

Without all three of the The DivineTrinity Practice, world peace will remain a dream no matter how human beings prayer or how long they pray for it.



The Divine Trinity Practice is:

Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility,

It is for all mankind to be grateful for everything, and for mankind to fulfil the mission that Heaven and Earth prosper into all Eternity.

Let us in gratitude repay our debt of gratitude to the Parent Creator God for all His blessings, and arrangements, even to keep the health and medical conditions for many of us at the barest minimum possible, and under control.

Do humans understand?

Mankind cannot be grateful enough, be sorry enough for our transgressions, and wrongdoings, having failed in the Divine Trinity Practice as any one of the three is missing, the other two of the three will fail bringing darkness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction into our lives, and even conflict be it at home or with others in society.

Humans cannot be sorry enough for our way of life while living against the Divine Truth, the Divine Principles governing the lives of all human beings to flourish on earth, and for all living things too due to human’s failure in complying with the Divine Trinity Practice.



Divine Trinity Practice:

Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility.

It is the practice for mankind to attain World Peace.




The Divine Trinity Practice is for all mankind:

Gratitude. Acceptance, Humility.

It is a simpler command, and it is far simpler than the Commandants.

The opposites are when humans do these:

no gratitude; no acceptance; no humility.

It will bring chaos and unhappiness.

Both the governed and those who govern must unite on practising the Divine Trinity Practice wholeheartedly, diligently, and faithfully.

There is no other way to attain unity, love and harmony to have happiness.



.Grudges, dissatisfaction … these are some of the opposites of the Divine Trinity Practice. It will lead one into darkness, unhappiness, conflict, chaos, and even wars at country level when world leaders are all out to score political points and power. At workplaces, disharmony will bring setbacks, wastage and losses.




Acceptance without humility and worst off if without gratitude, it will bring more hurt and despair to the self, leading to darkness, dissatisfaction, grudges.

It could even bring hatred filled with unhappiness to the self.




This Divine Trinity Practice is for all mankind:

Gratitude. Acceptance, Humility.

It is a simpler command, and it is far simpler than the Commandants.

The opposites are when humans do these:

no gratitude; no acceptance; no humility.

It will bring chaos and unhappiness.

If any one of the three is missing from the Divine Trinity Practice, it will bring unhappiness to the self.

Both the governed and those who govern must unite on practising the Divine Trinity Practice wholeheartedly, diligently, and faithfully.

There is no other way to attain unity, love and harmony to have happiness, and world peace.



Grudges, dissatisfaction … these are some of the opposites of the Divine Trinity Practice.

It will lead one into darkness, unhappiness, conflict, chaos, and even wars at country level when world leaders are all out to score political points and power.

At workplaces, disharmony will bring setbacks, wastage and losses.



There is a limit to everything, and for one having awareness to one’s limit is humility.

What has no limit?

Some will say the expanding Universe….and the expanding Unseen realm.

Not the physical third dimension realm, which has limitation.


This has no limitation. The Divine Trinity Practice:

Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility,

It is for all mankind to be grateful for everything, and for mankind to fulfil the mission that Heaven and Earth prosper into all Eternity.

Let us in gratitude repay our debt of gratitude to the Parent Creator God for all His blessings, and arrangements, even to keep the health and medical conditions for many of us at the barest minimum possible, and under control.

Do humans understand?

Mankind cannot be grateful enough, be sorry enough for our transgressions, and wrongdoings, having failed in the Divine Trinity Practice as any one of the three is missing, the other two of the three will fail bringing darkness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction into our lives, and even conflict be it at home or with others in society.

Humans cannot be sorry enough for our way of life while living against the Divine Truth, the Divine Principles governing the lives of all human beings to flourish on earth, and for all living things too due to human’s failure in complying with the Divine Trinity Practice.



Gratitude for everything….

Gratitude to all…. domestic and non domestic….

How to reduce the number of construction workers? Solutions?



The construction industry and FWs. How to reduce FWs. Solution?



At Pasir Ris MRT station – A 260 tons concrete beam pre-cast in Ipoh, Malaysia was shipped by dumb barge to Singapore.

It is like Ipoh has indirectly exported sand, granite, steel bars, cement, labour, etc. to red dot.

A win-win solution?


Singapore should import more of these pre-cast concrete beams to increase productivity in our construction sector.

We can even import pre-cast concrete floor slabs, concrete wall partitions, pre-cast toilets for all our construction projects [for HDB flats and multi-storey carparks, private condo, offices, factories, MRT projects, coastal polders and seawalls, etc.] from Asean countries, and even from faraway Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.

I believe these two countries [including Asean countries] will need such export earnings. It will mean creating employment for the people in their countries.

Red Dot can reduce FWs in the construction sector. Hopefully reduction by 50% will mean less demand for accommodation, food, transport, and medical facilities for the FWs, and less pressure on our other social issues.


Let’s show our gratitude to migrant domestic workers this festive season
Malavika Menon

Employers can also improve the lives of helpers in small but substantial ways during their period of employment. PHOTO: ST FILE
PUBLISHED DEC 25, 2022, 5:00 AM SGT in Straits Times.
For the past five years, Christmas has been a quiet time of the year for Sybil (not her real name).

The 43-year-old Philippine national who hails from Bicol province has been working in Singapore since 2018.

Most years, she remains in Singapore during the Christmas break to match her employer’s schedule, completing chores around the house and taking care of her employer’s toddler, who reminds her of her six children back home, aged seven to 25.

Sybil said: “Each time I was back home, I would prepare food for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve), go to church and share a meal with my children after mass. Even when they have no gifts, they are happy to be in the moment. These are the things I miss the most when I am not with them.”

While Christmas is a time of cheer and love for many families in Singapore, it is a difficult time of the year for many Filipino migrant domestic workers like Sybil, hailed by former Philippine president Corazon Aquino as “bagong bayani”, or modern-day heroes, for the contributions they make to households in their home country.

While many of these women provide crucial caregiving services for elderly and young residents here, the physical and emotional toll of their work and their lived experiences beyond their role as helpers are often unrecognised in the community. Greater awareness and appreciation of their contributions to their host countries are needed.

More can also be done to support their mental well-being better, such as ensuring they have safe, non-exploitative work conditions, and helping to facilitate regular communication with, and periodic visits of, their loved ones back home.

According to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), roughly 256,300 migrant domestic workers resided in Singapore as at June this year. As most of their work takes place behind closed doors, it is often difficult to judge the working conditions of helpers and reach out to them if they are in need.

After a series of cases of abuse against domestic workers, the authorities introduced a new house visit scheme in April 2021, where officers appointed by MOM aim to visit about 200 houses a month to check in with helpers and share information on where they can reach out for help.

But while such inspections will surely go a long way towards preventing or catching abuse early on, they might not give the full picture of the helpers’ daily living conditions.

In a June 2022 report titled Invisible Wounds, the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) cited social isolation, lack of privacy and loss of dignity as some of the emotional abuse that helpers face in Singapore.

The report, which draws on data from interviews with 22 migrant domestic workers and Home’s casework, cited anecdotes where employers told domestic workers that they had no rights during an argument, as well as a case of an employer who threatened to deduct a worker’s salary if he saw her resting or standing still during the day.

Just as white-collar workers in professional workplaces have a fair right to a coffee break or a few minutes outdoors to collect their thoughts during the work day, migrant domestic workers also need breaks between their work, which is often highly physically demanding.

New clubhouse off Still Road for foreign domestic workers to socialise, take classes, get counselling
Maids to get mandatory day off: What helpers do during their downtime
On a community level, residents can look out for the treatment of migrant domestic workers in their own homes and those of their families and friends, either speaking out against mistreatment or reaching out to the helper and directing her to the right channels.

Employers can also improve the lives of helpers in small but substantial ways during their period of employment, such as by offering to set up a prepaid mobile connection that helpers can top up from their salary on a monthly basis depending on their usage; helping them purchase a phone to stay in touch with their family; or ensuring a fair number of rest days.

In a nod to the importance of ensuring adequate rest conditions for helpers, the Government has announced mandatory rest days for domestic workers that cannot be compensated with cash from Jan 1, 2023.

Employers can also consider offering bonuses at the start of the year or during holiday seasons so that helpers can afford additional school or household expenses or gifts for their families.

In the course of their work, migrant domestic workers are not often asked whether they are lonely, how their life was before they came here and what they would like to do when they return home. If visitors, neighbours and employers ask helpers such questions, it will go some way towards establishing enduring connections that make them feel heard and seen.

In exchange, helpers play a part in being vigilant and responsible employees, as they are often entrusted with the care of young children or elderly charges and the keys to the home. Building a good rapport helps employers and helpers develop trust and contributes to the smooth running of a household.

For many domestic workers, their employers are their first points of contact in a new country. To help them build a support network, employers can introduce them to migrant worker support groups and activities such as those offered at the new hub launched by the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training, or Fast, in November. These support networks will allow helpers to feel that they have a safe space to relax and unwind outside the home, which is as much their workplace as it is their living space.

Even with greater efforts to raise awareness and look out for the mental well-being of helpers in Singapore, it will be impossible to replace the warmth these women receive from their loved ones back home.

Sybil, who has left her children in the care of her parents, calls them three times a day to monitor their health and make sure they are eating well. She is deeply proud of her two youngest children, who have topped their school ranking this year. She has promised them that she will return for a visit by May next year.

The need for migrant domestic workers in Singapore will continue to grow in the future as the population ages and the demand for care work increases, which is why it is important to safeguard their mental well-being and ensure their employment is both fair and equitable.

As the mobility and caregiving stressors brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic have proven, we need to recognise the important role migrant domestic workers play in nurturing the young and old alike and treat them with the same respect with which we treat employees in professional workplaces, because their value to society is far greater than what their wages can measure.

Smaller proportion of maids took day off last year, but most were satisfied working in S’pore: Study
Migrant domestic workers longing to see their families again soon




Forum: Acceptance of circumstances beyond our control can make all the difference
UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO on 27th Dec 2022 in ST Forum.

I am intrigued by how Mr David Kraal describes the stages of change in his life (A greyer Christmas this year, but still looking for a rainbow, Dec 23).

There are circumstances that we can choose to change. Walking away from a toxic relationship, quitting a drinking habit and going for regular health screening are examples of positive change.

However, there are circumstances beyond our control, and they can activate a sense of helplessness and frustration.

These are simply a part of life. How we handle them is what makes the difference between misery and peacefulness.

Even when we cannot change the circumstances, we can change our attitude towards and our relationship with those circumstances. Acceptance makes all the difference.

Accepting circumstances does not mean that we have to like what’s happening, it just means working with what we have.

Perhaps the vibrant colours of the rainbow are in us to stay when we live the spirit of Christmas every day.

Sherman Goh Keng Hwee



Letter of the week: A greyer Christmas this year, but still looking for a rainbow

A reflection of the Christmas lights in Orchard Road. ST PHOTO: GIN TAY


DEC 24, 2022, 6:00 AM SGT


Sadly, Christmas this year is not the same as many I have known.

For more than three decades before this year, my festive pleasure started months before December. I planned, designed and printed home-made festive cards. After a couple of weeks, the cards were done.

Then came the queue at the post office for stamps and air-mail labels, before returning home to enjoy two special nights writing out a few personal words of laughter and love to top off those of good cheer already on the 240 or so cards for family and friends (the number changed each year as death, divorce and other woes kicked in).

I would end the exercise by doing a final check of names and addresses, then proceed to lick the stamps to put on envelopes. All that would remain was to stop at a postbox to send these bits of my happy heart out into the world, near and far.

That was then, many times over, year after year; never a chore, always a joy, as everything linked to Christmas should be.

But this year, all my Christmas greetings are of the online variety _ e-mails and WhatsApp chats. Why the change? I am older, frailer, poorer, and still trying to come to terms with the Covid-19 torment that took so many lives.

So, yes, I see this as a Grey Christmas, not a White Christmas as Bing Crosby sings. Not the same Christmas Past.

Grey, too, because many of my fellow oldies and myself are surfing the Grey Wave sweeping in, finding it difficult to come to terms with much in a newfangled working world that offers little to seniors who have to cope with rising prices. 

Still, this is Christmas. So let us look to the future and try to spot the vibrant red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet of the rainbow that must be near, all set to brighten the dark of recent years.

David Kraal



We are spirit first. Human beings second.

We all are from the unseen.   And will return to the unseen when physical death happens.

in fact, we were in darkness in the womb for some nine months. Unseen and in darkness – from where our life begins.

We come from the Unseen.

Some of us show disrespect, some do not believe we come from the Unseen, from darkness, before one is born to see daylight, the light, and have our first breath of oxygen through the nose.




Gratitude, Acceptance and Humility.

The Trinity Divine Practice.



I am so glad to read it in the Nov 2022 SMIJ Page 7 fresh from the printing press. We received it two days ago.

The coincidence is unbelievable. Unthinkable.

A coincidence that I cannot forget easily to reinforce what I posted on Facebook for the past few weeks sharing it worldwide with my FB contacts.

It is a reminder for me with point blank awakening that if any of the three in this Trinity Divine Practice is missing, we cannot attain true happiness for the self and for others be it at home, in society, workplaces, schools, places of worship, etc.

And it includes the path to better health only when all three are put into practice by everyone. Some cannot practice even one of the three.

The opposite is no Gratitude, no Acceptance, no Humility.



Combine both hands…left and right.. in unity, love and harmony to attain true productivity. God and human effort. – the left and the right. Our right is God’s left.



No Divine Science, human efforts will not work, will not be enough. What is DS for all, for everything, every effort, everyone to rely on? Even for us to breathe, to stay alive, we rely on DS.

No Divine Science, there will be no maths, no digitalisation, no IT and Ai technologies, etc.

When humans and their world leaders give due respect to DS in Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility, there will be no conflict or war, and eventually there will be world peace.

The opposites riding on materialism and selfishness with no gratitude, no acceptance and no humility will bring mankind to darkness, conflict and even war. It is a path that will end in disasters, and there will be no world peace.

The three, Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility are in the first three of the eight points of practice: Innermost Attitudes of KamiKumite; KamiKumite No Sonen.

Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility…. these are the top three important points in the eight points of Innermost Attitudes of Kamikumite, …Kamikumite No Sonen. If Yokoshi do not practice this Trinity 24/7 and diligently, they will find it a struggle to elevate self spiritually, and will not have happiness for self and for others. Not practising this Trinity will mean practising the opposites: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility, which will bring unhappiness to the self and to others. Even if one of the three, the Trinity, is not practised, It will impede spiritual elevation to close the gap between self and God. All three have to be practised 24/7.

Without Spiritual Science and Divine Science, there will be no maths, physics, chemistry, general sciences, medical science, IT and AI technologies, etc. What is DS?

Even the oxygen we breathe is from DS. Do we have Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility?

Why no science, religion will be blind? Why no religion, science will be lame?

The dawn of true science. Yokoshi, please refer to SMIJ Oct 2016, page 9.



The Straits Times’ Editorial says

Digital realism in a fractious world

PUBLISHED 3 HOURS AGO on 19th Nov 2022 in ST.

Comments on digitalisation by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Group of 20 (G-20) leaders’ summit in Bali this week drew attention to the need to strengthen the economic underpinnings of the global system even as it is tested by political and strategic differences among the key powers. The clear message is that countries should improve how cross-border rules, standards, data frameworks and policies work together to make doing business easier, so as to create opportunities for cooperation in digitalisation. Singapore, on its part, has signed digital economy agreements with Australia, South Korea and Britain, and hopes to expand that network over time. Mr Lee’s comments should resonate more widely.

The G-20, which comprises 19 major advanced and emerging economies and the European Union, held its first summit in 2008 in response to the financial crisis that threatened to engulf the global economic system. Since then, G-20 summits have marked the rhythms of the world as it moves from one test to another. Last year’s gathering in Rome provided no foretaste of this year’s meeting, one scarred by member-state Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in violation of the Charter of the United Nations – where Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. The resultant food and energy crisis has affected all nations and made it even more necessary to defend the multilateral world order that protects weaker nations from powerful ones.

The G-20 matters in this regard. Although Singapore is not a member of the grouping, the invitations for it to participate in summits register the Republic’s importance in the multilateral order. In that context, Mr Lee’s remarks on the necessity of digitalisation underscore an essential feature of global affairs: the need to expand and strengthen the economic base of global cooperation to offset the reality of political and strategic divergence among nations. Digitalisation represents, in many ways, the culmination of globalisation, which rescued countries and regions from the restrictive spheres of nationalism and regionalism that were holding them back economically.

Globalisation has come under threat because of acute differences among major players such as the United States, China and Russia – the effects of which are seen in the disruption of supply chains that were and remain beneficial to the world at large. But digitalisation can serve as a driver for growth, regional integration and connectivity, and serve in turn to boost trade, enhance financial inclusion and improve service delivery. Singapore’s belief in the global opportunities of the digital economy highlights the benign aspects of international change. The imperatives of war grate against economic logic. However, it is that logic which helps nations ultimately to create a better world for all.



Power of the pen and words come with responsibility.

It kills too.

It is borrowing a weapon for others to commit murder.



The Straits Times’ Editorial says

Critical step against online harm

PUBLISHED 3 HOURS AGO on 14th Nov 2022 in ST.


That Members of Parliament have unanimously approved legislation to tackle harm caused online registers the extent of the danger posed by the digital version of physical or psychological assault. No one would regard the latter as anything but an actual infringement of a person’s right to stay free of hurt. There are laws in place against such assault. Unfortunately, the digital sphere has been more evasive, not least because it is difficult to define what constitutes harm there. In this context, the Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill sought to balance the twin needs for personal privacy, required for the proper functioning of the digital world, and corporate responsibility by making it clear that social media platforms cannot walk free from what their content does ultimately to the lives and well-being of their members. By taking legislative responsibility for the prevention of online harm, the Government has made it clear that citizens, particularly children, will be protected from excesses on the online market in ideas and opinions.

Hence, the legislation seeks to amend the Broadcasting Act to make social media platforms liable if they fail to protect local users. It will empower the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to issue orders to social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, to take down egregious content. That includes posts advocating suicide, self-harm, child sexual exploitation and terrorism, as well as material that may incite racial or religious tensions or pose a risk to public health. Hefty fines apply for non-compliance, which could lead to a direction to have social media services blocked here.

Clearly, the IMDA, which has been likened to an online firefighter, will play a crucial regulatory role in these efforts to protect Singaporeans. Indeed, it has been fighting against the ill effects of egregious content for some time now. This has given it valuable experience in assessing content across different media platforms and taking appropriate decisions. What the Bill will do is to empower the IMDA unambiguously to issue orders to social media platforms. This legislative teeth is required so that those platforms are left in no doubt about their legal obligations in Singapore. The platforms are global behemoths that operate in countries that take different approaches to online harm. Singapore’s position is firm and clear and needs to be heeded.

Citizens play a complementary role in this regard. As consumers of information, they are responsible to themselves and to others in treating what they read with critical detachment, if not a degree of scepticism. Even the best of regulatory mechanisms kicks in only after egregious content becomes public. To that extent, the harm has been done. By not acting on such information, consumers can limit the spread of that harm.





The three, Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility are in the first three of the eight points of practice: Innermost Attitudes of KamiKumite; KamiKumite No Sonen.




Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility…. these are the top three important points in the eight points of Innermost Attitudes of Kamikumite, …Kamikumite No Sonen. If Yokoshi do not practice this Trinity 24/7 and diligently, they will find it a struggle to elevate self spiritually, and will not have happiness for self and for others. Not practising this Trinity will mean practising the opposites: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility, which will bring unhappiness to the self and to others. Even if one of the three, the Trinity, is not practised, It will impede spiritual elevation to close the gap between self and God. All three have to be practised 24/7.




The secret to live life in happiness is in this Divine Trinity practice:

Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility.

Gratitude is the First Commandment for all mankind, for all beliefs and faiths. Also for those with no belief.

Opposites are: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility. It will lead to unhappiness and even conflict. There will be no world peace.

When world leaders practise the Divine Trinity of Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility, there will be no war.




If people attempt to make the nations of the world all conform to a single ideology, as has been the case in world history, it will run contrary to the plan for all mankind to live in peace, love and harmony.

A civilisation limited to a single way of thinking would be “a civilisation like a roll of single-coloured fabric,” whether that fabric be gray, white or black.

World peace cannot be attained if humankind create such a monochromatic civilisation.

Humankind must create a civilisation that consists of ethnic groups and nations bringing their respective qualities into play, that is, a civilisation like a magnificent tapestry, a wonderful, multihued brocade of exquisite quality that is the product of distinctly coloured threads woven together after their respective flaws are eliminated.

Accordingly, at an individual level, each of us needs to become an honest, virtuous, beautiful, and sincere soul.

When our splendid individual qualities are woven together, it will lead to a wonderful tapestry at the level of the family, society and the nation.

In short, civilisation should really consist of human beings connected together in unity as they fully express their beautiful, resplendent individual qualities.

For this to become a reality, even religions need to do away with their limiting barriers.

Humankind must welcome the emergence of teachings for all humanity that transcend the divides between religions and religious denominations for a world of peace, love and harmony.

The opposite of it will bring the adverse results and consequences causing untold and unending pain, suffering and unhappiness to mankind.



Top brains can make mistakes?

All will head into darkness when world leaders practise: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility.

It will lead mankind to unhappiness and even conflicts. There will be no world peace.

When world leaders practice the Divine Trinity : Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility, there will be no war, and eventually it will lead to world peace.


Without Spiritual Science and Divine Science, there will be no maths, physics, chemistry, general sciences, medical science, IT and AI technologies, etc. What is DS?

Even the oxygen we breathe is from DS. Do we have Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility?

Why no science, religion will be blind? Why no religion, science will be lame?

The dawn of true science. Yokoshi, please refer to SMIJ Oct 2016, page 9.


Why no science, religion will be blind? Why no religion, science will be lame?

Even the oxygen we breathe is from DS. Do we have Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility?

DS has nothing to do with religion or human man-made science. DS is the Origin.




God’s Love and Blessings..

What are the conditions? None? No condition?




God’s Love and Blessings.

In fact, God does not bless humans if we or anyone of us is engaged in friction or conflict, not having harmony with others on earth.

A heart of unhappiness and conflict with others will not allow us to be easily and quickly loved by God. God is love.

God is not unhappiness; God is not conflict.

The word God is actually Love, and the word Love is actually God. Please see the two Chinese and Japanese words in this link …





A worldwide state of emergency was declared in 2016 in this very severe times of the 21st Holy century. No one will be spared. The cleansing on mankind is necessary whatever and whenever it happens. The collapse of FTX is a major cleansing. It is necessary. What next?

Do humans learn? Do we ever learn? ==========

Arrogance is the hurdle, biggest hurdle. ===============

History and learning…Learning from past experiences, and learning it well? Will it be possible and easily? No one can learn well unless first they practice the Divine Trinity of: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility. The opposites are: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility based on physical wisdom and materialism as the most important, the foremost importance in life. It will lead to darkness, conflict and collapse ultimately. Even when world leaders practise the Divine Trinity it will lead to no war, no conflict and eventually world peace. The opposite way of practice will mean no world peace.

Worldwide state of emergency declared… in SMIJ Oct 2016 page 19. And from 2016, whatever happens, everything will be a necessary cleansing phenomenon.

When world leaders practise the Divine Trinity of Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility, there will be no war. The opposites are: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility. It will bring unhappiness and even war.

No Divine Science, there will be no human man-made maths, general sciences, medical science, physics, chemistry, IT and AI technologies, no space technologies, etc. No man-made science, religion is lame. No religion, man-made science is blind.

No one can learn well unless first they practice the Divine Trinity of: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility. When world leaders practise the Divine Trinity it will lead to no war, no conflict and eventually world peace. The opposite practice will lead to darkness, conflict, and no world peace.

The opposites are: no gratitude, no acceptance, no humility based on physical wisdom and materialism as the foremost importance in life riding on arrogance and selfishness.

This Divine Practice: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility….It is also in page 7 of the latest Nov 2022 SMIJ.

No Divine Science, there will be no human man-made maths, general sciences, medical science, physics, chemistry, IT and AI technologies, no space technologies, etc. No man-made science, religion is lame. No religion, man-made science is blind.

We are in very tough and severe times……..=============

Pg 19, SMIJ Oct 2016 – “we are living at a time when God has declared a state of emergency in the world.” – tough times for all, no one will be spared in this Holy Century. ================ 

Also on the same pg 19 …… “yokoshi should always remember that whatever happens from now on [2016], everything is a necessary cleansing phenomenon.”….. cleansing on everyone, from head to toe, from spirit, to mind, to body. All forms of cleansing. Very tough cleansing. More will come. Beware. And Be Aware. Grateful we are Yokoshi, and are aware ….spiritually, …and mentally….and physically.


But sadly not many are ready to accept the inevitable, the tough time, severe time that all humans have to face individually and collectively……Why?….

Acceptance, comes after Gratitude, and before Humility [in the top 3 points of the 8 points of Kamikumite No Sonen, the Innermost Attitudes of Kamikumite.

I am grateful I was asked to offer it at Dojo this morning at 9am prayers. And we offer it every morning at Dojo. Hope many are awaken to it, and not let it be like pearls before pigs.] ======

The Divine Practice: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility….It is also in page 7 of the latest Nov 2022 SMIJ.


The trinity is in the Divine Practice of: Gratitude, Acceptance, Humility.==================

I spoke on these for the past few weeks, and wrote on FaceBook sharing it with my FB contacts around the world. It is based on the first three points of the eight points of the Innermost Attitude of Kamikumite.



I am so grateful that Oshienushisama’s Teachings [in Nov 2022 SMIJ page 7] mentioned these three DPs, the trinity practices.



DAY 356th in 2014, my practice of gratitude: Where is my Gratitude?

9 days countdown to 365.

What have I intended to do next when I cross 365?


We have been told:

Convert worries into Gratitude.

Convert sufferings into Gratitude.

[that includes all kinds of pain, so let us convert it into Gratitude too]

Convert cleansings into Gratitude.

[that includes all kinds of irritations, so let us convert it into Gratitude too]




What is blessing from God? What is God’s benison?



Be grateful for everything, day and night, even for the oxygen, and our ear lobes [part of the ear] designed for wearing face mask.  Cleverly created for us.

If we have no ear lobes [part of the ear], how are we to wear face mask in this pandemic madness?

Ear lobes [and part of the ear] have been designed so precisely for this purpose and for us able to hear. Look at all that we have. We cannot be grateful enough, day and night for everything that we have been given.





Those with the PB: ‘Repaying our Debt of Gratitude to God”

We offered these verses the past few days at our morning opening prayers. PB page 142-153:

“Dedicating our lives to serving God with gratitude for the salvation that God grants us brings great heappiess.”

“Pitiful is he who knowingly neglects to offer gratitude to God, for he thus foolishly blocks the path to his own salvation.”

“God has granted us not only life but also the wisdom that we need to provide ourselves with food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities.”

“A true child of God is a person who understands that human science is tentative and uncertain and unable to create things out of nothing.”

“Our gratitude is real only when we express it through deeds.” ….

Note: Have deeds that will please God not please fellow human beings…But, one has to attain purity of soul for God to be pleased. God is displeased with:  human ego, dissatisfaction, grudges, hatred, self-centredness and selfishness.   When God is displeased with all these, can we expect blessings from God?


Purity of soul….

“Unless people become purified at the level of the realm of soul, the human mind/heart cannot totally control the person.”

“Although your mind is functioning based on the Divine ‘source’ of your individual character, you cannot correctly and fully capture these vibrations unless your soul is pure.”

“This relationship is described as the ‘law of spirit first, mind follows, body belongs’..”.

Source: MAAJ Feb 1995 pg 4.




Let us live in absolute gratitude for everything, day and night. Not all human beings can.

There are very strict rules for these for humans to have Absolute Gratitude for everything.

Some do not even offer gratitude for their teeth when brushing it morning and night; or have gratitude for their slippers or shoes that they wear for them to walk comfortably. Me too.

Humans are far from being grateful for everything as all gratitude must come with concrete actions and deeds, not only words. Words and prayers alone are never enough.

Gratitude like buying something for someone.. It is a gift of gratitude in concrete form to express one’s prayers or wishes manifesting in action.




Common cold, dengue fever, Ebola, AIDs, etc.

When will mankind wake up to face the truth, the causes, and purpose of diseases?

How are: spirits, True Light, disease….connected, and inter-related? In PB, 97-6. “Resentful spirits hide and wait for an opportunity to take revenge. The art of True Light is the means to eliminate their negative influence before they are able to cause diseases or other unhappy phenomena.”

.PB, 97-5, “You may have tried many paths of healing without any of them bringing you salvation. However, now, thanks to the art of True Light, human beings can free themselves from misfortune.”

PB, 98-5, “The more I manifest my gratitude to Su God, the greater the happiness God grants me. Who would have thought that such boundless happiness could be granted to a human being?”

PB, 101-2, “I unceasingly express my sorrow to Su God for the fact that we have brought on an age that is filled with people who give no thought to using God or stealing blessings from Him.”

PB, 101-6, “Pity those who do not believe in the precious Light of God.”

PB, 102-3, “Surely those who have learned how to repay Su God will one day shed tears of joy for the blessing of true happiness.”

PB, 102-6, “When you offer prayer of gratitude for everything from the bottom of your heart, you will be showered with so many more blessings that you will want to offer even more prayers of gratitude.”

PB, 103-1, “Pitiful is he who knowingly neglects to offer gratitude to Su God, for he thus foolishly blocks the path to his own salvation.”

PB, page 99, the first command of inner most attitude for all mankind, “Be absolutely grateful to Su God for everything, day and night.”




We have been told: “Laziness or simply wishing favours from God will come to nothing.

Keeping in mind that God’s power is primary [the main], and human power is secondary, it is important to strive to practise the teachings on Divine Principles in an accepting manner [straight forward manner].

The great difference in the progress of a person, spiritually, who is always dissatisfied and constantly complaining compared to a person who lives with joy and gratitude [..the difference between the two will be vast, very wide and miles apart]. [Source: primary text page 4].




As Yokoshi [children of God], please do our best in rendering our services [love and duty.. having love in our work for God…, please read this in page 21 of August 2011 SMIJ International Journal English version], and on the importance of going towards God faith without asking anything in return…nothing in return .. Nothingness. 




When humans pray to God, mankind is permitted as a matter of expedient to pray and ask for God’s help in the age of the transitory teachings and age of expedients, that is , the age during the middle ages, and the age during the industrial revolution up to the 1960s.

However, it is different now in this different age after the 1960s. We cannot continue to pray and ask God for this and that like in , the old days. Time has changed.

This is the world that we are now in for those who make effort with the desire to help others and who have the desire to work for the happiness of others unconditionally, although they may undergo setback or suffering, shall truly be saved without even praying or asking for it.

Humans should empty themselves willingly and gratefully by accepting hardships, and wholeheartedly be of service to God and others, think only of the happiness of others, and the happiness of the future of all mankind, and be of service to God by using and through their livelihood in the fields of commerce, business and occupation.

When humans become able to ponder and reflect deeply in awe to the things around them in Gratitude, the world will become one where all things could be arranged that which humans seek shall be given to them naturally.

[Above is a summary, an edited version on Prayers. We have been told to read HW, page 255]





I hope more people in religions, sects and religions will pray by adding in:

apologies [add words, ‘sorry, sorry, sorry’ in the prayers],

offer gratitude [be grateful for everything from morning till night, nothing is bad, everything is good],


and acceptance [we are provided with all things to live on earth comfortably, happily and safely, but many of us make a mess of it bringing self-invited sufferings and unhappiness not only to the self but also to others].

We are spiritual being first, and all are children of God.

Sharing what I wrote at this link:




Know that just as people voice their requests to the Creator God in their prayers, God on his part also has wishes that He wants to see fulfilled.

Never forget.  Just as a person has his or her own wishes, God also has His own wishes.

Source: PB page 171




How do we pray?

Few religions, sects or denominations have asked their followers to pray [say sorry in their prayers] to God, and more importantly to their child/children, or to those whom they look after either as nanny, guardian or caretaker, domestic helper, etc.

Because of that lacking in our prayers [adding sorry in it], some parents become muteki to their child, some hate their child, some hardly give them love and attention, but more complaints and dissatisfaction.

We have been told the difference between muteki [no enemy] and suteki [wonderful].

The difference is so fine: mu and su.

Some become muteki parents without knowing how important it is to go down on their knees to offer sorry prayer to God and for the child/children given to them to become part of their lives for them to nurture and grow up with.  

Those who lack suteki could eventually become muteki.

I shall continue to share in joy with those in various religions to pray and say sorry. The God in this fire age is waiting earnestly for humans to say sorry.

Human logic will tell us the vast difference between the millions praying for protection, blessings and asking for goodies as compared to the handful praying with sorry in their prayers.   The effect of their prayers cannot be the same.

It is like children asking parents for this and that selfishly except one child, who does the opposite.  The love of parents know no boundaries but there is a limit to their love, unless it is great love and not small love for their children no matter what they do or behave in the eyes of their parents.

I sincerely hope the tide will change where millions will offer prayers of sorry and only a few will pray asking for goodies, protection and blessings.   Time has changed.




Gratitude for everything day and night is the first Command for all mankind to attain true happiness. A simple path lies in Gratitude.  [please see PTF format below on Gratitude].

It is not the 11th Command. It is the first, the foremost. The most important.

It is the key to unlock all unhappiness among humans. The Gratitude Key.




Prayer is good, but will not be enough, and it might no longer be effective in many religions when the human innermost attitude of the soul is still in conflict and unhappiness.

Humans have to purify the soul back to purity, free of doubts, no more unhappiness and conflict, and no more self-invited loneliness. Tikong, and all other religions and practices must remember to unite with the Core of purity, and guide all disciples and followers to purify their innermost soul back to attain purity as a true human should.

The words we used last year, and the words we intend to or plan to use this year, should be of purity and more dignified than last year. I hope all followers of religious faiths will use purer and purer words this year that will make the Creator God happy, not make fellow humans happy, but make the Supreme God, the Creator God happy.

Making fellow humans happy is of no use when the Creator God is unhappy. It is shallow thinking and shallow practice when humans aim to make one another happy. It is not enough.

Making the Creator God, Tikong, Allah, Buddha, etc. happy is the most important, the highest of highest practice. If not, all that we do, all that we pray for, etc, and hope for will come to nothing. Be blessed. In Benison. Be bright like the sun.




It is all about money…Arts come in many forms, and some artists [in whatever line of the profession in the arts industry] do come from families, who are not poor.

To support and enjoy the beauty of art to the highest finesse level possible, human beings first have to ask: why are humans given eyes able to see all seven colours and not other living species.

Without this and first our gratitude, not to say for the oxygen we breathe every second, we will continue to lose our way in life, and some will end in grief.

Let us respect all life before respecting art as the ultimate.




The Sunday Times’ Editorial says

Showcasing the legacy of arts pioneers

PUBLISHED2 HOURS AGO on 20th June 2021 in Sunday Times

New: Gift this subscriber-only story to your friends and familyAt 100, Lim Tze Peng is still creating art. Singapore’s oldest living pioneer artist is marking his centenary with a book and an exhibition at The Arts House.

The performing arts venue will soon also showcase other national cultural treasures with a gallery dedicated to Cultural Medallion recipients. There are 128 artists who have received this national accolade, the highest award for the arts, since it was established in 1979 by then Minister for Culture Ong Teng Cheong. The new gallery is a good first step towards highlighting their contributions to the nation’s cultural patrimony. Indeed, more can and ought to be done to support these ageing practitioners who have dedicated their lives to their craft. Three-quarters of the surviving 91 recipients are above the retirement age, and many are still active practitioners like Lim. They are a living legacy, and their wealth of knowledge can benefit not only young artists but also audiences.There are a number of ways to encourage this. Suggestions from the arts community have ranged from underwriting the artists’ living expenses, in the same way that Thailand’s King supports mature artists, to reducing the conditions attached to the $80,000 Cultural Medallion grant. Another way to honour their legacy is to build archives for their works, and make these archives accessible to the public. There have been ad hoc attempts at doing this. The National Library Board has a digital repository of writers’ manuscripts, and it has digitised Tamil literature, music and dance. The Esplanade’s Offstage website offers artist interviews as well as programmes from the arts venue’s archives. A more comprehensive archive, along with programmes to introduce Singapore’s substantial body of performing arts to new audiences, will ensure that Singapore’s cultural heritage will enrich the lives of future generations.



What is the thing that we should we have gratitude first?

Some even question the real person in us?What is the true self, the one that is deeper than one’s soul?

Arts come in many forms, and some artists [in whatever line of the profession in the arts industry] do come from families, who are not poor.To support and enjoy the beauty of art to the highest finesse level possible, human beings first have to ask: why are humans given eyes able to see all seven colours and not other living species.Without this and first our gratitude, not to say for the oxygen we breathe every second, we will continue to lose our way in life, and some will end in grief.Let us respect all life before respecting art as the ultimate.




Forum: Singaporeans also play an equal and important role in cherishing artists

PUBLISHED5 HOURS AGO on 24th June 2021 in ST Forum

We thank The Sunday Times (Showcasing the legacy of arts pioneers, June 20) for its editorial on the Cultural Medallion.We agree it is important to highlight the contributions of artists who have been conferred the nation’s highest cultural honour, and ensure this cultural heritage will enrich future generations of Singaporeans.

On the Cultural Medallion Fund mentioned, the National Arts Council (NAC) would like to assure your readers that we take a customised and flexible approach with the funding of proposed projects. These projects have ranged from public presentations to community initiatives and the documentation of a lifetime of works. Our colleagues are always ready to assist Cultural Medallion artists in tapping the fund to bring their projects to fruition.We agree that one way to honour these artists’ legacy is to build archives that the public can access.NAC has commissioned the upcoming gallery at The Arts House to showcase these artists and their works. This gallery will give the broader Singaporean public a deeper understanding of how they have contributed to the nation’s cultural scene.Over the past year, NAC has begun work with the National Library Board (NLB) to systematically catalogue works and key documents from our leading artists in an integrated digital repository.The repository will be made available to the public and will build cultural appreciation in Singapore, across art forms and ethnic communities.We have been talking with some of our Cultural Medallion artists who have welcomed this development and will reach out to the rest in stages.We expect the first stage of updates to be ready in 2023, with more materials progressively made available on NLB’s websites.As the government agency that champions the arts, NAC will take the lead on this. But for our artists to be cherished, Singaporeans play an equal, if not more important, role.We invite all Singaporeans to discover our distinctive and diverse arts and appreciate how our leading artists have enriched our lives, brought communities together and helped shape our collective culture.May TanDirector, Education and DevelopmentNational Arts Council




Taking the next step in this new normal

Olivia HoAssistant Life Editor

Lian Sutton in The Year Of No Return at the Singapore International Festival of Arts.PHOTO: TUCKYS PHOTOGRAPHY

PUBLISHED2 HOURS AGO on 20th June 2021 in Sunday Times

My first swab test was less horrible than I had expected. There was the feeling of having water go up your nose, a sour sensation that lingered, mildly if persistently, for the next two hours.I did not have Covid-19, nor had I been near anyone suspected of having it.

I was, however, going to watch a play – The Year Of No Return by The Necessary Stage, part of the Singapore International Festival of Arts (Sifa).Sifa, which runs from May 14 to today this year, had come agonisingly close to a grand comeback after being cancelled last year due to the circuit breaker.Instead, it had the great misfortune to fall almost exactly within the duration of phase two (heightened alert), with its tortuous tango of restrictions.You could have a live performance, but the actors had to be masked. You could have a concert, but there could be no “intentional expulsion of air” – so no singing or playing wind instruments. You could have audiences of more than 50 but fewer than 100, only if they submitted to pre-event testing.

Maybe this is the new normal, I thought, as I stood outside the Victoria Theatre clutching a QR code and waiting for the results of my Antigen Rapid Test (ART), which would be sent to my phone within half an hour. ART for art’s sake.It was all so painlessly efficient that I could envision this becoming part of theatregoers’ pre-show rituals, as Esplanade chief executive Yvonne Tham had previously suggested to my colleague.Sifa was not how I expected to lose my swab test virginity.”Curious,” asked my friend. “What would the ideal be?”I shrugged. “I was saving myself for marriage.”

Today would have been the day of my wedding. Unfortunately, it also falls within the heightened alert period.I had wanted to dance at my wedding, but the heightened alert tango was one set of steps I could not keep up with.In between stressing over pre-event testing for our guests and getting stomach cramps without fail every time the multi-ministry task force held a press conference – which is to say, frequently – I decided, in the end, to postpone the wedding.Which was just as well, since the wedding reception ban got extended by another week.I spent the weekends I would have devoted to pre-marital preparations watching Sifa On Demand instead – which, given what a precious commodity theatre seats had become under safe management measures, is how most people will have experienced Sifa this year.


Will I still be able to hold my wedding in June?S’pore planning for a new normal of living with Covid-19: PM LeeEven before the new restrictions, Sifa had been conceived as a hybrid festival with a mix of physical performances and digital offerings this time. Most of the commissions had already been filmed for audiences to watch in their own homes.There is a word people like to use for this kind of hybridity – “phygital”. It is one of the many pandemic portmanteaus we have been afflicted with, along with “bleisure” and “SingapoRediscovers”.I loathe the word “phygital”. It sounds like an invasive medical examination. Every time some well-meaning marketing person drops it in my inbox, I want to snap, a la Regina George in the 2004 film Mean Girls, “Stop trying to make phygital happen! It’s not going to happen!”Sometimes people would suggest I try to have a “phygital” wedding so more guests could attend remotely, at which point I would go into the bathroom and scream into a towel for five minutes.True hybrid theatre is not as easy as most audiences assume it to be. It is not a simple case of sticking a camera in the auditorium to film the play. There is cinematography to contemplate; every change in angle possesses its own nuance. Even the lighting has to be adjusted.


Large-scale Covid-19 testing to become routineMandatory testing to uncover hidden Covid-19 cases in S’pore the new normal: ExpertAnd it is not cheap. For example, Singapore Symphony Orchestra chief executive Chng Hak-Peng has estimated the incremental cost of producing a digital concert is $25,000, on top of existing expenses to put the concert together.To blend the physical and digital takes work, so much work. Many a time it falls flat, though I have seen it done superbly during the heightened alert. For instance, The Theatre Practice’s intricate murder mystery, The Bride Always Knocks Twice – Killer Secrets, stood out for its thoughtful blend of filmed performance and live audience interaction.The best Sifa commissions, I found, were shot through with an undercurrent of loss when I watched them online.For Oiwa – The Ghost Of Yotsuya, The Finger Players’ Japanese horror tale, I sat as close to the screen as I could, drinking in the stunning ways the light hit the set of bamboo forests and sliding screens, thinking sadly: “If only I could see this in person.”Still – better to have seen Oiwa online than never to have seen Oiwa at all.The Commission, starring theatre stalwarts Ivan Heng, Adrian Pang and festival director Gaurav Kripalani, was still a hoot, even filtered through my dodgy home Wi-Fi. An irreverent scene of “dystopian Macbeth with Taoist mediums” had my mother and me in stitches.There were points in time when the screens on screens got too much. I spent a morose afternoon watching Three Sisters, Anton Chekhov’s Russian classic by Singapore’s Nine Years Theatre and New York’s Siti Company. Half the cast, including two out of the titular three sisters, were beamed in virtually from America.I have done a lot of grim things to pass the time in the pandemic, but Chekhov On Demand takes the cake. The sheer sense of disconnection in the piece was draining. Not to mention how the sisters keep talking about going to Moscow, but nobody actually makes it there – dismally relatable in the age of travel bans.By the third act, I was curled up on the sofa in a foetal position as Irina – the youngest sister, played in Mandarin by Mia Chee – delivered her speech of despair: “I am forgetting everything, I forget more every day, and life flies past and never returns, never, and we will never go to Moscow, I see now that we will never go…”I felt like I was watching time not so much fly by, as it does for Irina, but get trapped like dust in a filter, caught in the involutions of the pandemic’s distancing and deferring, its compromises and cancellations, its half-life of masks and screens.I would be nearly a year older by the time of my wedding – if indeed it ever came to pass. Would we be out of the woods by next year, or would heightened alert recur yet again, just under a different name?Tomorrow a new act unfolds as we move into – is it phase three again? There will be a new set of measures to negotiate, a new dance so we can go on living our lives as best as we can.Irina says at the end of the play: “One day the time will come when we know why we suffer, there will be an end to all this mystery, but meanwhile we must live, we must work, only work!””Oh to know!” rejoins her sister Olga, as Irina breaks into an anguished dance. “Only to know!”What is the next step? If only we could know.




UMNO…and former PM Najib.

I had the privilege to meet and gave former PM Najib a handshake at the foodcourt in Jalan Bintang in KL in 2018, and I wished him well, and be blessed. I have yet to have the intricate arrangements to meet PM of Singapore, old or new.

There must be a reason for the arrangement in KL and nothing yet in red dot. Time and Space Arrangements based on Divine Laws and Divine Principles are beyond human’s thinking and belief.

Some believe that very few human beings will attain egoless state of spiritual elevation. God is Egoless. World Peace must be based on humans become egoless. There is hope for world peace to materialise as the path towards tuning to God’s will is based on humans become egoless not become persons filled with ego, conceit, arrogance and selfishness.



I met Najib….On 30th July 2018, Monday,

I was at the Pavilion, Jalan Bintang, Kuala Lumpur with my wife.We went to the Pavilion after having a light dinner at the Sentral Mall, and she decided to take the LRT train to Jalan Bintang. We inserted the MR dollar note into the ticketing machine more than 30 times but it kept on rejecting it. We managed after much delay to get the rejected 5 notes in, and with the RM5 accepted we got the tokens to take the train.We walked to the Pavilion from the Jalan Bintang LRT Station, and she decided to visit an outlet after asking Information Desk for direction. She was in the shop for sometime and came out not able to find the dress she wanted.Next, we decided to go to Basement 2 to have dessert at the foodcourt. We were there taking our time before we decided to leave and return to our hotel.On the way out I saw Najib [former PM of Malaysia, who lost at the GE on 9th May 2018 to Dr M. Najib was with a lady and two guys]. I whispered to my wife that Najib was in front of us, and the four of them walked straight towards us. My wife was surprised to see Najib right before us.Before he could turn at the corner, I immediately walked up to him, greeted him and shook his hand. I gave him the handshake of Yokatane x 3 [positive good seeds of spirituality from our spiritual leader].It was a good Arrangement for me to shake his hand with Yokatane. I wished him well and I said: I am a Singaporean,. The handshake took less than 10 seconds. I did not give him a chance to reply, and I turned and walked fast to catch up with my wife. When I turned around, he was gone.It is a good example that time and space Principle decided whom we meet and where. A window period of 30 seconds earlier or later, and there would have been no meeting Najib that evening by us.The timing was precise to the dot, and now I could understand the twist-and-turn of situations, and the delays of events that evening that were arranged such to make it precise to the last second for us to meet Najib at the foodcourt.That encounter with him cannot be altered or changed. Every second counts in our life and where we are, and it decides one’s fate and destiny. Life and death can be determined or measured by seconds in difference, in timing, or by mm in distance or space, not to say by mm or by metres to meet [or the spot of impact].I could see that our ancestors of both sides worked hard for the Arrangements that evening to match perfectly for me to greet Najib, and for me to give him Yokatane. I am glad.I asked the concierge at Pavilion later, and he told me that Najib lives in an apartment nearby or could be upstairs.



.And I met Andrew Chuah in KL ….. was it in 2019 in Brickfields?…

So glad he followed me to Dojo there and received the Divine Light blessing, which cannot be erased will never be erased… But that meeting by us in KL was prearranged by both of us via FB [strangers then] to meet. That cannot count as ‘arrangement’ in the sense that more of it is explained in this link below as to what is “Arrangement for strangers to meet”… Stranger with Najib and yet able to meet in 2018?….. the link:




Meeting Najib..meeting Andrew Chuah…in KL.

No one can erase, alter or change the two meetings. Unalterable.

Who we meet this lifetime, when, where, under what kinds of situations and circumstances, and for how long the encounter lasted [in seconds, minutes, days, weeks, years, some even a life time, happy, unhappy], etc, are unalterable by mankind.

But mankind can change their destiny if they know too, free of ego, better still egoless to rise, to be happy, and not go downhill into unhappiness, darkness, suffering, and even ruin.

The choice of which destiny is in our hands, not in the hands of others.




Many go to places of worship to pray and ask for various wishes to be fulfilled.

God has His prayers too.

Unless humans become egoless and free of dissatisfaction, it will not be easy to match up with the prayers and will of the Supreme, Su God. It is the exact opposite of righteousness. It is unrighteousness, selfishness, and self-centredness.

Human’s wisdom and thinking on fairness is the exact opposite of those of God.

God’s fairness is not human way of thinking and fairness.

It will be unthinkable for humans to be given the same blessings by God.

7.4b human beings on earth, if 1% has egoless and no dissatisfaction in their attitudes, should God give the same blessings to everyone including to the 99%, who have dissatisfaction?

What is unfairness to the 1%? What is fairness to the 99%?

Be like those in the 1%, not be in the 99%.

But sadly many are in the majority of the 99% in their going towards God as they have high ego, unable to be egoless, unable to have no dissatisfaction.

Fairness in Absolute Fairness is not mankind’s selfish materialistic way of life, and thinking of fairness from mankind’s point of view.

It is the exact opposite.




What is to be loved by God or to be loved by humans?

What is the difference between the two?

What are the conditions for one to be loved by God?

How shallow can human thinking and wisdom be?




The Covid-19 virus is unseen. Sad for India to have more than 300,000 daily infection, and some 10,000 deaths daily…

We have been told:


“If disease, poverty, conflict, or disasters continue to occur in your life, it is proof that you have lived, and sometimes still do live, in a way that may seem virtuous to you but in reality is contrary to the divine principles.”


“If suffering in the form of disease, poverty, or discord persists in your life, know that it is a sign of great spiritual impurity.”


“The events that occur in life, such as birth, death, sickness, poverty, and disasters are all means that allow people to erase their spiritual impurities and to become radiant souls once again.”





Whatever hits the human race is for the good. It is polishing one’s soul.


“Adversity is the Diamond dust that Heaven uses to polish its jewels. ………….


Humans are the jewels that have to be constantly polished and cleansed.”


We have been told:


“The events that occur in life, such as birth, death, sickness, poverty, and disasters are all means that allow people to erase their spiritual impurities and to become radiant souls once again.” Welcome the polishing in gratitude.





God is Egoless [pg 5, SMIJ. Aug 2009]. 

How to tune in to God’s will?

Ego will block all blessings.

.Ego will bring darkness, unhappiness, great suffering, even grief, downfall, and ruin.

Due to ego many of us cannot grasp the true cause and effect of the cleansing on one’s soul, the mental, and the physical [even financial hardships, distress and anxiety].

Few of us and our loved ones can have all three: robust health, harmony [no friction with others], and material wellbeing [no financial anxiety].

All sufferings and cleansing are due to ego. Ego blocks blessings.

Go egoless. Not easy. There are strict rules for this. No shortcut.It has nothing to do with human wisdom and thinking to rid self of ego, and be Egoless.

God is Egoless. How are we to truly tune in to God and match with God’s prayers and will when we have ego?

Let us make spiritual efforts to become egoless. Me too.

When more human beings becomes egoless, there will be more families living in harmony.

Eventually and ultimately they will bring about true world peace.

The opposite will be darkness, unhappiness, and world peace will continue to be a dream no matter how human beings wish for and pray for world peace..

We have been told: even god fails when god has ego….!.

We can say that when humans have ego, surely we will fail big time..


Ego – turning point of heavenly will – 16 ego words:

In HW, pages 314, 315, 316 and 320..

About tankoktim

It is a joy to share, and the more I share, the more it comes back in many ways and forms. Most of what I shared are not mine. I borrowed and shared it on my Blog. If you like any particular post in my Blog, please feel free to share it far and wide with your loved ones, friends and contacts. You may delete my name before sending it to them. You may also use the articles to write on the same topic or extract and paste any part of it in your article. My posts are available to all, young and old, students too. If they wish, they can extract or plaglarize any of the points to write their articles or essays with it. Np. ============== I share what I wrote worldwide with Facebook friends and contacts, not with Singaporeans only. I share it by pasting the link method as it is easier and a shortcut rather than copy paste my comments in full text. Some want me to stop posting. I shall stop giving comments and/or my link when others stop posting. When they stop, I stop. When they continue to give comments, I shall continue to give my short-cut link, or a short cut-and-paste comment plus the link. If I stop giving my link or comments, it will by default be letting others a free hand to give possibly a one-sided comment without anyone giving the other perspective on an issue. If I stay quiet, it will be considered my failure not to give the opposite perspective. Some want me to be silent, and to stop posting. If I accept their demands, it will be a failure to my Facebook friends worldwide by staying silent. I owe it to my Facebook friends and to the society to comment and give an opposite perspective on an issue. ======= My contact:
This entry was posted in Business, Finance, and Scams, Divine Science. Man-made human science, Education; What is Complete Whole Person Education?, Fate, Destiny, Accidents & Coincidence, Government, International Politics, Super Power Politics; Trade and Tariffs Friction;, Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy [His life 1923-2015], Politics, Religions and Faiths, Social issues, Spiritual First - then mental then physical, United Nations, World Peace. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Be egoless; Gratitude for everything, day and night; Must include Acceptance and Humility, the Divine Trinity Practice for all mankind; The true self and the real person; God’s Great Love for humans – God’s true children; God is Egoless; Human beings can aim to be egoless too; Humans cannot tune to the will and prayers of God [egoless] unless they practise the Divine Trinity Practice; Our fate and destiny, is it in our own hands?

  1. Pingback: Pray; Is prayer enough and is prayer effective anymore? Wishing for favours from God; Placing our palms together in prayer, the Power of 10, or on the Cross, the plus sign, + ten, one and zero: 10. | tankoktim

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