Governing by public donations not by taxation; Which country will be the first? Will there be inflation if Govt spending is zero or paid by public donations? Countries in the red, bankrupt; Printing money to repay debts; Interest rate hike; G7 countries will review corporate tax rates to discourage MNCs from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions;

======== . How many countries are in the red, bankrupt? When a country cannot obtain loans to spend, is print the solution? =======. Biden calls meeting on debt ceiling, as US to run short of cash June 1, 2023. US … Continue reading Governing by public donations not by taxation; Which country will be the first? Will there be inflation if Govt spending is zero or paid by public donations? Countries in the red, bankrupt; Printing money to repay debts; Interest rate hike; G7 countries will review corporate tax rates to discourage MNCs from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions;